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  1. C

    Desantis Holsters

    I am thinkign about ordering a Desantis Cozy Partner holster. Anyone have any experience with this one? I am curious what yall's opinoin is. Thanks
  2. C

    Let them run, or hold them.

    I am sure this is going to cause an out cry of controversey. If you have to pull your weapon, is it better to try and detain the person or let them go. this is based on the assumption that no shots are fired and the situation is able to be de-escalated. Also, are there any laws against an...
  3. C

    Is carrying 2 guns overkill?

    I currently carry a G23 IWB and a small .22 in either my pocket or on the ankle. Violent crime is almost non-existent at my current duty station in Key West, FL. But I do roadtrip alot on a motorcycle and dont want to be underprepared. Any advice or personal insight would be greatly appreciated.
  4. C

    Is carrying 2 guns overkill?

    I carry a G23 IWB and a small .22 either in my pocket or ankle. Violent crime is almost non-existent in Key West where I am stationed. But i do frequently take road-trips up the Keys and through Florida. I am just curious how many people carry a primary concealed weapon and a smaller B.U.G.