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  1. J

    Best "wacky" shot you ever made.

    Okay guys and gals, list them here..... Mine was with a friends Remington pump chambered in a .270 Winchester. We were shooting at bottles laid on their side. We were standing in the doorway to his shed, steadying our shots against the door jamb. First shot I fired I took the bottom out of...
  2. J

    Bear Baiting

    I'm not looking for the answer to "Is it ethical?" That question and it's answers has been batted around for too many times. My question is, how can it be considered inhumane? Bear baiting is a hot topic in Maine and has been for some time. People against it are adamant that it is inhumane...
  3. J


    Okay, I'm going to show my "newness" to revolver ownership here but I just gotta ask.....How do Hogue grips attach to a Ruger Blackhawk? I'm in search of a nice set of grips to replace the factory "cheese graters" as I've seen the stock grips called in another thread. I want a little more to...
  4. J

    Ruger #1 International

    Am I crazy? I love the look of the International so much I'd consider trading my Ruger Blackhawk 50th Anniversary .44 Mag for one in a .308 or a 7x57mm.
  5. J

    Rifle Bedding

    What little I've read about rifle bedding seems to be geared toward bolt action rifles. Would bedding my 10/22 help improve it's accuracy? I have an International, the full length stock model. I've noticed that as the barrel warms up the accuracy deteriorates. I've seen the kits for bedding...
  6. J

    .44 Mag Lever Revolution

    Thoughts on this ammo anyone? I've got a Ruger Blackhawk I want to hunt with. The ads say it's better for hunting. I'm interested in knowing before trying, I'd prefer not to have to hunt for one that should have dropped otherwise.