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  1. D

    Got my Fleet NRA Visa

    Woohoo! Big fan of putting my money where my mouth is. Now I am a card carrying supporter of the NRA. Mom will be so proud.
  2. D

    The Irony of It All

    Just finished watching the American President, and during the last big dramatic speech, I had to laugh. In the same speech he pushes the ACLU for defending the bill of rights, then tuns around and says "I'm gonna get the guns". Of course they use the favorite term Assault Weapons throughout the...
  3. D

    Got my Ruger P89

    :D My first gun, feels good to have gotten to fire it today. I was almost giddy with happiness with the first pop and tearing sound as a round pierced the target. :D Nice piece of work. Got a fullcap and castrated cap mag with it, total o 25 shots per loading sequence, which works well with 50...
  4. D

    Doh!!! Almost got my Ruger today... :(

    Been waiting 2 weeks for all the paperwork and transfer stuff, I show up... and can't get it cause I haven't changed the address of my driver's license (moved a couple a months ago....) arrrg... DMV wasn't open today. Grr... Patience is not one of my most abundant qualities. Gotta wait though...
  5. D

    So I've fired a .22. and a 9mm.. what next?

    on the scale o' kickback and learning progression, what would u guys (and gals) reccomend for learning to fire next?
  6. D

    Decent Deal?

    Looking @ taking the plunge & getting a Ruger KP89D, w/ 2x 15 round mags new in box, $359.00. Thinking this aint bad considering sugg retail of $499, and that's prob w/ 10 rounders these days. Thoughts?
  7. D

    Am I just a sissy?

    With both of the glock 17 mags I've worked with, I physically could not get anything past the 6th round into it, was having to crush the rounds down to get them in. I'm still really new to the whole shooting thing. Am I just a weakling? Or do other people run into this?
  8. D

    Old ammo worth shootin?

    My grandpa passed away recently, and being the only family member interested in firearms, I've inherited several hundred rounds of old .22 long rifle ammo. Guessing its ~ 10 years old. It was stored in a shelf in the garage in Houston, TX... notorious for humidity. Any issues I should be aware...
  9. D

    Thank you to the members, here is what I have assembled.

    Some of the folks here really helped out to make this speech, and I would like to thank them for helping me. I may make this a continual issue piece on my site, and would appreciate any reccomendations on additions or holes in my line of reasoning or logic...