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  1. 2

    why iron nails in rustbluing soloution?

    im trying to make some rustbluing solution by mixing nitric and Hydrochloric acid whit destilated water but it does not work so good:barf: no i heard that you should add iron wire to the mix untill it cant eat no more.. but why can someone please answer me:confused:
  2. 2

    savage99 in 250 ack?

    i have a nice 99 250-3000 thats lovley. but i also have a 250 ack reamer:D now should i do it:confused: in sweden these rifles are very rare and it can not be more than 5-6 rifles in the country. the 250 ack is a wounderfull cartridge in ordinary actions but will it feed correct in a savage 99...
  3. 2

    some pics of my projekt

    a husqvarna 1900 (checkering left to do) cz527 222rem benchrest and vermin rifle and a cz452 varmint nice little rifle for a walk in the woods:)
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    hello guys!

    im new to the forum. and i hope im gonna like it here..reguards from the swede:)