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  1. K

    Jim March in trouble in California.

    VIEWING THE DIEBOLD VOTE-TALLYING SCREEN PROHIBITED Jim March, a member of the Black Box Voting board of directors, was arrested Tuesday evening for trying to observe the Diebold central tabulator (vote tallying machine) as the votes were being counted in San Diego's mayoral election (July...
  2. K

    Has anyone tried out the 204 ruger yet.

    Local shop had two. The model 77 varment with the heavy barrel and bench rest stock and the Synthetic stainless 20 inch model. Supposed to bring a Savage this weekend. Has anybody gave these a workout yet? The Hornady ammo comes in 32 and 40 gr. vmax. 4200 and 3900 fps. The chart on the ammo...
  3. K

    Now for really important things

    Trent Lott couldn't lead a horse with a rope. He will be senate majority leader. Is there any way to stop this and have a majority leader who will actually lead? The Enron's of the world need to be procecuted to the limit. Make dishonest actions very painful for the perps. Grey Davis is...
  4. K

    Fox news says

    Talent wins the Mo. senate seat. Bout time.
  5. K

    Get off of your rotund posterior

    And go vote tomorrow. Don't rationalize that it won't make a difference. Get out there and DO IT
  6. K

    Nice way to start a day

    They need a short fast deadly lesson.
  7. K

    Barnyard and McDimwit

    Watch them come back full of themselves. Crowing like banty roosters. What will their comments be when it turns out to be business as usual for Saddam? Will they handwring in shocked amazement, or blame it on the planitary alignment? Either way the excuse-o-meter will be in the bs position.
  8. K

    A little something for your blood pressure.

    It takes all kinds but why are so many here.
  9. K

    How many more are there?

    First Enron, now this. Maybe things were fine and dandy for a reason for so many years.
  10. K

    Do they use Arthur Anderson

    Do they use Arthur Andersen For the accountants here. edit, some days
  11. K

    Why not

    Things get better everyday.
  12. K

    Another day in paradise

    Well what will we lose over this?
  13. K

    Swat officer rampage

    Do we really want these to be the only people armed?
  14. K

    9-11 litigation

    Well it's started with a nice round number. Any bets it's on a contingency basis.
  15. K

    Every once in a while.

    Happy thanksgiving F. Lee
  16. K

    The unbias media.

    After todays announcement that special forces were working in Afganistan, siteing an unnamed pentagon source is there a possibility that the media is trying a james bond approach? Remember Tomorrow Never Dies ? What's to keep them from useing the unnamed source to hit for reactions. They might...
  17. K

    Will no one rid us of these troublesome pests? There absolutely has to be something in these idiots backgrounds to get rid of them permantally.
  18. K

    Braindead or just stupid What a winner we have here. And for good measure Arrogant gentleman isn't he?
  19. K

    Bullet Question?

    Has anyone used any of the Speer Idaho Territory lead bullets in 45/70?
  20. K

    Chuckie Shumer couldn't wait