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  1. I

    Western Authors: Gun Illiterate?

    It seems Louis L'Amour was a Pietta fan. :D From Mojave Crossing: I see mistakes like this regularly. One author likes to refer to the chambers/flash holes as "cylinders." :confused: Another has his characters loading cartridges into Paterson revolvers. The list goes on. I just smile and...
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    "The Other" 1858 Project

    River Junction backordered my conversion cylinder, so I'm canceling the order and leaving the gun cap & ball. I smeared on some blue in a few spots, knowing full well that in a week's time it'll be worn off again. At that point I'll leave it alone and let the elements age it further. I'm really...
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    Refinishing Italian Grips

    Does anyone else do this besides me? I would be interested to hear your methods and/or see pictures. I don't like the glossy red finish on Uberti grips. This is my latest set, on a Cimarron, redone with Danish Oil (still curing). Obviously, the grain isn't comparable to a set of custom grips...
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    Need a .38 load for a cartridge conversion

    Howdy. Could someone please recommend a .38 Colt/Special factory load that will work in a Uberti .36 Remington with a Kirst "Konverter"? I know I need either a heeled bullet or a hollow base bullet. I found this .38 Colt load but the bullet is a bit heavy...
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    How do I replace the springs on a USFA Rodeo?

    I just purchased a USFA Rodeo and want to install a Wolff mainspring and a Heinie wire bolt/trigger spring. Is this something I can do? I have a gunsmith screwdriver set but don't know which screws should be removed first, etc. Is there a tutorial somewhere on the Web?
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    Recoil of .44 Specials in 5.5" Super Blackhawk

    First off, please pardon my ignorance. I like to plink with my 5.5" .357 Cimarron SAA. I use 125 grain "WinClean" .38 Specials. I'd like to try a larger caliber and am thinking of getting a 5.5" Super Blackhawk. I know that 200 grain .44 Special "Cowboy" loads are available. 200 grains is a lot...
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    The Spiller & Burr Revolver

    Hi. Newbie here. ;) I handled a used Spiller & Burr yesterday and liked it better than my Remington. It fit my hand well. Are the Pietta/Traditions S&Bs well made? Is there anything I should know before ordering one from Dixie? Would love to see some pics of S&Bs! Regards, IO