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  1. T

    My new gear, and the sweet deal I got on it!

    Over the weekend we had our end of the year picnic at the gun club for the Action Pistol Ive been shooting. I bought a pair of Pro Ears hearing protection muffs for $30 which go for around $300...
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    Nugent Interview

    Im guessing I am not the first to post this here, but I havent seen it on here. Gotta love Uncle Ted!
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    Birchwood Casey "Gun Scrubber"

    I recently bought some of this and have been trying it out.....I am not sure how much I like it yet. It seems to basicly be brake cleaner/LPS instant degreaser but with a different label on it. I dont really like the fast evaporation of it for what i have used it for so far, which is just...
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    unintentional mag releasing on an M&P .40

    My buddy has an M&P .40S&W sub compact, and the last two times I went shooting he has had problems with the mags releasing while he is shooting. He thought at first it was because he had changed his grips, but he changed them back today and same thing. I shot about 6 rounds through it and had...
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    Had some fun today!

    I thought I'd share my afternoon with you guys.... I went up to shoot the action pistol at the local fun club, and I pulled in and noticed a big set up in the back area, and some of the local police cars up there. We let them use the ranges for training frequently. Anyways, they had a "shoot...
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    Shot my first Action Pistol tonight!

    I just got back about an hour ago from my first action pistol shoot at my local gun club. That was alot of fun, and good practice/training for sd situations. It is a "shoot for fun" weekly event. They charge $3 and you get to go through as many sessions until dark. They keep your score by time...
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    Best place to conceal a medium sized gun?

    I am wondering where you guys that carry medium sized guns conceal them. Guns that the sizes of the G19's and G23's. I want to order a holster to carry my P-01, which will also be my first CC gun. I know I should try all the different options, but I wanna try and get something good for my...
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    I want to polish my barrel....What would I be up against?

    Not sure if this is the best forum for this topic, but seemed pretty close to me.... I got my CZ P-01 recently and think it would look sweet in the "hood" of the barrel was polished. Im not sure if this is the correct terminology for the what I am talking about so please correct me if Im...
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    My CZ P-01 review and report

    Well after picking up my new P-01 on friday, I took it to the range friday, saturday, and today :) I love living 2 miles from my gun club. So, this is my second handgun I now own. My first being a Sigma 9VE. So to me this is quite a different gun than the SW. Anyways, I am very satisfied...
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    Double Tap ammo

    Maybe I should have asked your opinions before I just ordered some of this, but I don't think I will be disappointed. I just ordered 100 rds of the 124 gr +p 9mm HP's . Everything looked great about them on their website. Just lookin for opinions of people who have used their ammo.
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    So I just ordered it.....My P-01!

    So I finally decided I really want one of these, and saved the money to get one. I just had my FFL order me up a CZ 75 P-01 and it should be ready to pick up Friday. I haven't got my CPL in the mail yet, so it looks like im going down to get a purchase permit today. Got it for the best...
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    My deal I just made!

    I had some old lead, bout a coffee can total full if it was melted down. Couple ladels and some casting dies for sinkers and a few hundred 30-30 brass. Traded for a couple boxes of 9mm.... Posted on our gun club forum and it was gone quick. Im happy cause I dont reload and it pretty much...
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    Question for those with a PM9 and/or LCP that carry

    I am just curious what methods you guys use to carry these smaller pistols. Im looking for something that will be smaller for summer carry, but I dont really like to carry stuff in my pocket. Usually have my phone in one, possibly keys in the other and that bothers me. Plus it seems like it...
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    Some old stuff, what do I have and what is its value?

    I found some more stuff in the garage that my dad used to use for reloading. Seems like a descent amount of lead, some molds....looks like one is for diff bullets, not sure what the other one is for. Then the plier things look like theyre for making round balls, not sure what caliber. I was...
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    Newb question: Firing pin block

    Can someone please explain to me what exactly a firing pin block is. I think I know but wanna be sure. Would it be like on a DA/SA gun, say you decock it, but then were pulling the hammer back with your thumb and it slipped and the hammer slammed back down, the gun would not go off? Does the...
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    Would this be much of an issue?

    So I have been looking for a gun to buy to carry when I get my ccw. I really like the CZ 75 compacts, the p-01, and the p-06. The only difference in size is the mag base on the p-06 is a little bigger. It is also harder to find, but I have found a few....In case you dont know , the p-06 is...
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    How much is empty brass worth?

    I have some .38 special , .357, .44 mag and a bunch of .30-06 brass in my garage. My dad used to reload years ago and its stashed from then. Theres a guy at work interested and I wasnt sure if its worth enough to ask anything for it, or just give it to him. Hes just interested in the...
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    CZ 75 P-01 and P-06 vs. G27

    I was looking at the p-01 last night and liked the feel of the gun alot. I was wondering how the recoil on the P-06 compares to other .40's. I know recoil is subjective, but I am looking for a comparison of the P-06 to the Glock 27. Ive heard the G27 is pretty snappy, but the P-06 being an...
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    Questions on the CZ 75 P-01, P-06

    So I spend a couple hours at the local gun store, which has a very nice selection of guns. Fondled quite a few........... I checked out the CZ 75 P-01 9mm. I liked the feel of the gun alot and the size seemed to fit me pretty nicely. I didnot get to shoot it, but am going to try this weekend...
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    Galco Belts, opinions if you have one....

    I was looking at their belts online and was looking at two of them: The CLB5 carry light and the CSB7 Cop Belt. theres a link to their belts. The cop belt is twice as much at $62 and I was wondering if it is worth it. I dont have a carry weapon yet, or...