Search results

  1. J

    Heat seeking gamefinder?

    Just was overcome by temptation on e-bay, bought a heat seeking tracker, handheld with audio speakers, a bushnell looking import product, gt2000 or something like that. Paid about $50.00 for it, supposedly it hasn't been used. Just wondering if anyone has or has experience on these wounded...
  2. J

    Last chance deer hunt.

    Coming to the end of the season here and tomorrow(12-23) I get to do the last semi serious hunt of the year. I've spent 2 weeks mostly leaving our stand areas alone as i hunted other places. I've got 2 nice ladder stands up on the back 40 and have kept a steady supply of feed to the many...
  3. J

    Squirrel Hunting from your deer stand.

    Just saw something similar on another thread and thought of my end of deer season squirrel hunt. We use elevated stands and most are 2 person. We can bait in N.C. and we use corn out of feeders to keep the deer coming in. There have been many times that i've verified 10+ squirrels at the feeder...
  4. J

    .22 mag for coyotes?

    Just wondering how it does on coyote sized animals.. The county i live in won't allow centerfire rifles and the thought of carrying a shotgun around when woods walking just isn't interesting. Rimfires are allowed and i usually have a .22 long with me on my walks. No problem there except i'm...
  5. J

    Muzzleloading barrel I.D.

    Doing some excavation work out behind my house, i dug up this doublebarreled muzzleloading shotgun(barrel only) As i was using a mini bulldozer, i'm not sure exactly where the barrel came out of the ground but its unlikely many other pieces of the gun were there. The stage of decomposition...
  6. J

    Bee Hunting

    Just thought i'd mention an experience i had with reloading shotshells. When i was 16-18, i spent my summers working at a scout camp as a junior range instructor. We had a terrible time with bees building nests on and about the range and after thinking about it for awhile, i loaded a...
  7. J

    Sabot stuck :o

    Can't believe i did it but i loaded a winchester Bullet/sabot combo into my 50 cal, TC scout, with no powder. I tried the worm and the ramrod screw and never got any bite. I went through 5 charges of co2 with one of those blaster things. Nothing. I'm wondering if one could take out the...
  8. J

    Old finds

    In my line of work i have been in many thousands of folks homes. I've seen more civil war guns and private collections than you can shake a stick at and it takes a real nice piece to get my attention. Even though i don't have pics i want to mention 3 guns i've come across. One was an...