Search results

  1. S

    air lite 22

    My wife wants a small handgun but has had trouble with one hand having carpal tunnel. The other hand was injured years ago in a car wreck and she has no feeling in a couple of fingers. She does not like much recoil at all and does not like pulling slides back on autos. I was thinking of a Smith...
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    Replacement Enfield Wood

    I have a Mk 4 #1 Longbranch that needs new wood badly. The metal is superb. Anyone know of an outfit that may have excellent to new replacement wood..and the buttplate also? I do NOT want to "sporterize" it. Thanks a lot.
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    m-1 carbine purchase

    A local dealer just got in a Rockola M-1 carbine. The metal is in good shape, but the wood is pretty rough and looks like it had some foreign writing on it. He wants $600 for it. I have no idea what these are going for now, but it seems pretty steep. The numbers look like they match from what I...
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    Sig 220 St

    Picked up a Sig 220 ST for a late Christmas gift last month...finally got to shoot it yesterday...That thing is a tack driver! Puts my USP compact to shame..and that's hard to do. A definite keeper. Heavy as heck, but no more so than a 1911. Any other 220ST owners out there chime in!
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    My wife says I'm nuts...

    My wife said I was going to blow myself up someday...She likes guns, but doesn't think much of reloading due to the "danger" and all the "explosives" in the basement...16 years nothing blown up yet... I did an inventory of powders, primers, and loaded ammo of various types. I didn't tell her...
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    1905 Savage 32 ACP

    Just picked up a Savage 7.65 auto made in 1905? Anybody know how to field strip? Thanks
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    police switch to wheelguns

    Is anyone aware of any PDs that are going BACK to wheelguns? Due to the publicity of several cases of ,shall we say ,"overkill", I was wondering if this might be a position that some PDs, particularly in larger cities might be thinking about.
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    Kel Tec P40

    What are the opinions of those of you who have a Kel Tec P40? Mine has done very well for about 500 rounds or so. Shoots to point of aim too...I have heard from some reports that mine may be a rare jewel. Also does anyone have any idea what kind of "service life" could be expected? Thanks for...
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    loose AR carry handle scope mount

    I've got a Colt AR with a carry handle mount which has a 3-9 scope on it. The mounting screw keeps loosening, and I've got to check it every four or five rounds. The scope itself is no problem. I was thinking that a small black hard rubber washer might work to keep it from loosening. Any...
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    Aimpoint for Benelli M3

    I've got a Benelli M3 I was thinking about mounting a Aimpoint CompML sight on. Would this affect reliability since the gun is recoil operated? Also, what would be better, drilling and tapping for a base, or using one of the mounts which uses the replacement receiver pins? Any thoughts will be...
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    Mossberg 590 Marinecote

    I recently purchased a Mossberg Marinecote 590 8-shot 20". The first trip to the range, I was pleased with the accuracy with slugs and pattern with Federal Tactical buck loads. I noticed however that when the gun heated up after several quick shots (10-15?), the action seemed like it was...