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  1. C

    She's now my ex fantasy babe.

    I never realized she was Alec Baldwin in drag:
  2. C

    US military in Chinese berets!?!

    It's bad enough to cheapen the symbolism of wearing an earned beret, but to wear one made in China too?
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    American citizens and gun owners since 1619

    In my families history is a story about an indian attack on the settlement where my ancesters lived. During the attack, my great, great, great, great (etc.) grandfather was killed outside his home by indians, while his wife and a neighbor defended the home with a seven and a half foot long...
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    "surviver II"

    I'm sorry, but this one made me laugh (a lot):
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    M48 receiver hardness

    Has anyone here drilled and tapped an M48 receiver yet? I'm getting ready to drill mine, and I don't know whether to use a carbide drill or a steel drill. Also, I'm not sure how deep to drill the front holes (blind holes). How much deeper than the screw protrusion should I drill to allow for end...
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    600 yard groups

    A close friend of mine has a SIG rifle in .300 winmag with some kind of Mt Palomar scope on top of it. He rolls his own ammo with all the best stuff (he says). We both shoot the thing and we can do 4-5" groups at 300 yds all day long with it. But when we move over to the 600 yard range, the...
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    Dan Rather tonite

    caught a glimpse of a comercial this morning and Blather was saying something about a dangerous hunting rifle. It's supposed to be in a story tonite, sixty minutes I think.
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    Does any one know where one might find 1000 yd targets?
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    m48 shoots really high

    Finally got to shoot my m48 and was dismayed to find out that it shoots about 8" high at 100 yds. I asked about it on TUCO's forum and got three different answers. One guy said it might be because my two lugbolts might be loose. Which was true. In order for me to use the lock screws, I had to...
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    stock refinishing tips

    Was just surfin around and found this, and thought I'd share it with y'all.
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    Let 'em try it in my neighborhoodMachete gang nets £2m in raids

    Machete gang nets £2m in raids by Philip Nettleton Detectives are hunting a gang of machete-wielding robbers who have netted more than £2 million in jewellery, watches and cash from the homes of wealthy London businessmen. In a series of attacks in Belgravia and...
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    a little good news

    another anti gun lawsuit down the tube :)
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    tung oil finish

    Has anybody tried Formby's tung oil finish on gun stocks? I bought a can of it, but I'd like to know if it dries like other tung oils before I proceed. I've heard that you're supposed to use pure tung oil, but the Forby's can says it has "other oils to aid in penetration". WOW! Was that a...
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    Got me a Mauser!

    Yup, went to a gun show Saturday, looked at a whole mess of Mausers. Swedes, Turks, Brazilian etc. Was looking real closely at a Swede when from across the room I saw her. But she was in someone elses arms! Just in case, I laid down the Swede, and slowly made my way through the crowd, and as I...
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    Mausers anyone?

    I was perusing around a local shop and found a couple old Mausers in 8mm. I believe it may be a turkish mauser. Does anyone have any expertise with mausers and can share their viewpoints on whether a Turkish mauser reciever is as good as a Swedish one or not? Does it cost a lot to re-chamber...
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    OK,Now I'm hooked

    Just went to a nice range in Missouri with a friend. I fired his gun @ 600 yds and actually hit the target. I was impressed. So now I have to buy a rifle that can do it. My friends rifle is a Sig in .300 winmag w/a Burris scope on it. I have questions about what chambering I should go for. With...
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    4 years from now

    Just read on FOX where some of Gore's advisors are recommending he "gracefully bow out", saying he would be a front runner in 2004. They may be right. The left wingers are really gonna go spastic over the next four years pushing their agenda. How do we, as constitutionalists, raise the...
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    fishing too!?!

    Someone at work told me that awhile back, Tipper Gore said that fishing was cruel and should be banned. Have any of you heard this? Can ayone substanciate this? Does the BASS Pro world know this? I can almost believe it.
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    I just want to thank al gore

    I want to thank him for inventing the internet. :D Since I've been online, I've realized how biased the regular media is, and that they haven't been telling me what's really going on. Before I came online, I really didn't have a clue that Klinton/gore are commies in drag. Thanks again Al! ;)