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  1. H

    the reason magazine bans work

    Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) I imagine a lot of you guys are under the impression that magazines are reusable. It is almost funny. I dont...
  2. H

    how big is guns and ammo market

    I would like to make a point on another forum comparing something to the unavailability of guns and ammo now compared to a few months ago. How big is the market for guns and ammo in the United States? Since I cant find any of certain kinds of ammo, is that proof that the market for that...
  3. H

    another clown legislator, this one pro gun

    Mo. House Bill Makes Proposing Gun Control Illegal. . What statement does Mr Leara want to make? That he doesnt care anymore about constitutional rights then those who want to ignore the 2nd amendment...
  4. H

    If you wanted to profit from shortages

    I think this shortage of guns, ammo, etc will most likely end someday. I also think there will be another shortage after this as many people dont learn. What thing have been pretty cheap before this type of shortage, but sell for a lot now? What would a person buy during good times to sell at...
  5. H

    how does this work

    How does this work for people convicted of some crime if the supreme court overturns a law someone was convicted of breaking? For instance did anyone get anything when the Supreme Court ruled that in Heller? Something like a conviction being ruled void or similar?
  6. H

    What do you do in emergency confiscation

    If some city or state agency orders gun consfication in the midst of a terrible disaster, what should a person do? If the demand to hand over weapons was, in your opinion clearly illegal, but also clearly unwinnable at the time your guns are demanded, should live to fight another day be the...
  7. H

    Turkey hunting question

    I have some land ~45 minutes away. I have seen turkeys their. What should I do now to the land in order to help me get a turkey? I think season starts in march. The turkey I saw was in a brush pile in grass. Do turkeys pretty much stay in places like that or are they in the woods too?
  8. H

    why dont pro gun states establish a militia

    The state could offer training to anyone joining. They could mandate some sort of time commitment to anyone who joins. It would be much less formal then a national guard. They could mandate anyone who joins have certain type guns and certain type ammo. As long as it was professionally...
  9. H

    question about "arms" in 2nd amendment

    What does "arms" mean? I read a lot of places where it means portable weapons that an average military guy might carry around. This definition seems to include fully automatic weapons. I read somewhere else that most of the cannons in use during the time the constitution was written were...
  10. H

    another question about the gun ban craze

    Since so many people are worried about a gun ban, lots of people are buying up lots of guns and ammo. Is that a good thing? Do you like it that lots of people who didnt own a gun two months ago, now do? Lots of smart people think the ban idea will faze out over time and gun and ammo...
  11. H

    how hard would it be to make a 22 bullet?

    Would the brass part be hard to make? I would think that is pretty low technology. Is brass hard to work with. I dont know much on this subject. I assume the metal part is brass. Could it be made out of steel? Would the rim fire part of the process be hard to do? I'm just curious how it...
  12. H

    Ruger American 270

    I want a better deer rifle that I can put a scope on. I use an SKS now. The Ruger American 270 is for sale for $330. I dont anticipate ever shooting at a deer at over 150 yards and to be truthful not over 100 yards. My question is this a good rifle? At a good price? I researched deer...
  13. H

    concealed carry question for police

    I sometimes carry my pistol in a maxpedition bag. If I am stopped for any reason, and a police officer asks if i have a gun, I would say, "Yes." If he then asks me to hand it to him while he checks my stuff, how does that work? I dont really want to hand over the bag as it has a notebook that...
  14. H

    ak47 question

    Is an ak47 fully automatic by definition? I have what I thought was an ak47, but it is (of course) not fully automatic. What do you call an ak47 that is semi-automatic if it is not an ak? I read an article that got me confused. Thanks
  15. H

    appleseed riflemen question

    One of the stated goals of Appleseed is to be able to shoot a rack grade rifle. The last Appleseed event I went to I was shooting a score of around 150 to 160. One of the instructors there suggested I try a different rifle. I shot a 194 with his rifle. that was the last AQT, so I dont know...
  16. H

    glock magazine

    What is a fair price to pay for a 33 round magazine for a Glock 19? Have the prices gone up since the Arizona shooting? I dont really need one, but want one if they are going to be banned in the future. Are off brand magazines just as good as factory only cheaper? Anyone want to recommend a...
  17. H

    I want a good podcast about guns

    I would like a good podcast about guns. Or maybe some kind of free university course on guns. I am not interested that much in podcasts that are political or social in nature. I pretty much want to learn more about guns. Thanks for any help in finding one.
  18. H

    here's a cool video of a small cannon
  19. H

    converting a saiga sporter to an ak47

    Can someone recommend a site where I can get everything I need all at once. Thanks
  20. H

    marlin 60 doesnt shoot straight

    I have the back sight way the heck over to one side for it to hit the target. It looks funny like it was knocked over. Is there any thing to do about it? It will hit what I am at with it that way, but it is way the heck over and looks goofy. Thanks