Search results

  1. N

    Saw a gadget in a gun mag, but forgot the name...

    I know it's made by Surefire, and I saw it in Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement (fairly certain, anyways). Naturally, by the time I went back to get the details, they were sold out of the issue, as is everyone else around here. :( Anyways... It's like a V-shaped horizontial periscope that...
  2. N

    Locking bolt for AKM?

    I was wondering... Would it be possible to lock the bolt on an AKM so that, after having chambered and fired a round, the bolt does NOT eject the cartridge but, rather, retains it in the chamber to be manually extracted? Naturally, not causing damage to the rifle is top priority, so if it can...
  3. N

    Tear gas in the house

    I've seen quite a bit of mention of use of OC as an adjunct to home defense. Questions that come to my mind about the use of OC, CS, or other irritant aerosols inside of the home. With certain formulations of the synthetic irritants like CS, it can leave a persistant residual effect in the...
  4. N

    What do you do? Stop, or give chase?

    You're driving along a two lane highway in the proverbial middle of nowhere (you haven't seen another car in hours) when a POS car ahead of you slows down a bit, passenger door opens, and a baby seat with the BABY in it is kicked out onto the side of the road! :eek: What do you do? Stop to...
  5. N

    Practicing for concealed carry, without the gun

    I've read many messages on this board where people have stated that, despite it being illegal in their state, that they carry concealed. The state I live in is (for all intents and purposes) one of these states. While I have no need or desire to carry concealed, that doesn't mean that I may...
  6. N

    Goblins, Critters, JBT, Mall Ninja, and other names...

    Having been here a while, a person can't help but notice a lot of euphimisms for suspected criminals, perps, whatever. It's common practice in military, political, and religious institutions to demonize people who we wish to exterminate by using degrading names to de-humanize them. Whether...
  7. N

    Ever drop your gun?

    That's the question. In public? In the field? In the dark? (how long did it take to find it? Did you need to use a light, or did you feel for it?) While drawing down on someone (LEO's especially)? Did anyone notice? (if CCW) Did you lose it? (field) Was the gun damaged? Did it accidently...