Search results

  1. B

    Something mildly amusing

    At least I thought it amusing. I was using my credit card's website to review last year's expenditures and there was a pie chart that broke out categories of spending. One category I did not expect to see was "Health and Fitness". After poking down through menus to details I found that related...
  2. B

    Ruger and Marlin

    Just got an email from Ruger that makes one believe that the Marlin lever actions will continue under Ruger's control.
  3. B

    What would cause powder to clump?

    I'm pulling down someone else's reloads to use the cases and bullets and I found that the powder didn't want to pour out. The cases are supposedly Win 748, which I don't have any experience with, and is a ball or semi-spherical powder. I've had to stick a probe into the case to break up the...
  4. B

    Pistol cartridges from Marlin rifle

    I picked up some used 41 magnum brass at a gun show for components that the previous owner had marked 'Marlin only'. I am assuming this mean that it was fired in a rifle. I noticed that there seemed to be a slight raised ring around the primer pocket like the brass had flowed back into a recess...