Search results

  1. N

    Guns that Get a Little More Abuse?

    Here's my pair of used and abused carry guns.
  2. N

    Marlin 30A repair

    Just replaced the Loading Spring and its retaining screw as the old ones kept backing out and jammed the cartridge carrier in the upward position preventing ejection of the spent cartridge. It was a relatively simple repair and allowed the oppurtunity to polish some of the internals and smoothen...
  3. N

    Striker Fired?

    Can and should striker fired systems be classified into the three types of actions as hammer fired pistols? I ask since I feel this would clarify and more accurately describe how a particular model trigger handles and feels. For example: >Single Action Striker - Short trigger pull only trips the...
  4. N

    25 auto, how often do you use it?

    I have a FIE Titan I bought years ago out of curiosity. It sits in the vault most of the time, yet once or twice a year I take it out and actually have fun with the little gun. Does anyone else use their pocket 25's more often or is it more of a cheap little once in a while fun gun?
  5. N

    FNP 45

    Been looking for some time now to add a polymer pistol in 45ACP to the collection. While waiting for an XDM in 45 to appear I happened to run across a FNP 357 in a local store the other day and I was very impressed. I can't find anything I didn't like about that FN pistol (other than caliber)...
  6. N

    "Modern day" Luger?

    My favorite piece
  7. N

    I've got ammo, i've got ammo!

    It took nearly four months but my CMP order of M2 ball ammo finally came in. I can now feed my 1954 Springfield Armory M1 Garand. Lets see how long it takes to "dispose of". GOOD TIMES!
  8. N

    Whats your favorite 9mm handgun?

    1936 Mauser P08 Luger
  9. N

    Moss 835

    Mossberg makes a 24" rifled barrel with an intergral scope base. Bought one for my wetlands 835. Man do 3 1/2" Lightfield slugs punish the shoulder!
  10. N

    Lacquered ammo?

    Just shoot and enjoy. I do clean my 91/30's chamber with a 20 gauge bore brush just to be safe. Fun rifle, cheap ammo.
  11. N

    appearance of your carry gun?

    Could look better, Could be worse as it spends 60-80 hours a week on me.
  12. N

    What is your favorite Rifle that you own?

    A coffin and six feet of dirt might get you this one.
  13. N

    Pictures ?

    For a computer unfriendly guy like myself, how do I post pictures?