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  1. H

    attending Janet Reno seminar

    I'll be attending a seminar by Janet Reno this Sunday. There will be a 30 minute question and answer period following. I'd like to ask questions about Waco, Ruby Ridge, Elian Gonzalez, gun law enforcement, etc., but to tell the truth I'm not as up on these subjects as I could be. I'd like...
  2. H

    cylinder notches

    Does anyone know why manufacturers don't put them between the cylnders in the interest of stength. It seems Ruger offset them, but why didn't they just put them in the thickest part(like they do for the 5 shot cylinders). Probably a simple answer to this, hoping someone can enlighten me.
  3. H

    interarms virginian dragoon

    Was just wondering who out there is shooting one of these discontinued single actions. My wife bought mine for me, a .44 mag, 7-1/2 incher in S.S. I like mine but havn't had it that long.(it was used but in like new condition). The firing pin broke on mine, but has not caused me any problems...
  4. H

    pressure levels

    Just a quick question some one may be able to help me with. .357 and .44 mag operate at essentially the same pressure levels. Why is it that we build .357's on smaller frames but not .44's. It would seem to me that the same amount of pressure in a .357 would be harder on a gun because of the...