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    New Nevada Based Group

    It's about time we have something for the State of Nevada!!! check it out: Yes!
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    This is how my brother and I bond I don't see him much (he's in the Marine Corp) so it was nice to spend the weekend with him.
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    Obama OK's guns in protect his kids Schools are gun free zones unless Obama's kids are in them...then it's ok. :rolleyes:
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    Will Democrats denounce this? A Democrat eBay listing....beyond the pail of disgusting.
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    Video: Obama dancing around the gun ban/gun rights issue The Messiuh is put into a corner regarding gun rights. He is active in convincing people that the 2A is about hunting and not defense. He also NEVER says "keep and bear", just "bear arms". This video (towards the end) shows what HE WANTS TO DO vs...
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    don't worry guys, obama just wants to take AK's away from criminals

    ....which in democrat speak means he will put in place an AWB. since when does the 2nd Amendment relate to hunting?
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    "Law Abiders" - What is the threshold?

    We see on a daily basis the non stop attempts to take our God given rights away from us, to try and regulate guns and gun owners out of existence while gangs and other criminals seem to be getting only MORE armed. IMHO, the govt. is more interested in disarming "law abiders" then it is taking...
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    AR15's are the #1 selling disaster item in New Orleans! hopefully this time around...the govt. won't try to disarm good people.
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    Obama to make acceptance speech in "greek temple"

    ABC News: Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple maybe he should just change it from greek to the temple in Jerusalem, make the ultimate blasphemy and get it over with. this mans ego has no limits.
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    Parents of Youngsters: Hanna Montana goes political not even kids music is safe anymore. When i have kids, they will be forced to listen to Perry Cuomo...i know his music won't turn them into zombies.
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    Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008 with the duo the democrats have running, we can and IMHO will see this signed into action. this bill however is a sure fire way of ending the careers of those who choose to be involved with it. can such actions be considered illegal laws since...
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    47% of Americans favor Govt. regulation on media It's the free market that determines who is on top in the media. It's obvious that talk radio is dominated by the right BECAUSE of the free market. Liberal talk radio...
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    No Bullets, No Shooting

    It will be easier for the anti's to do away with ammo. Since heller, the anti's will be taking a different approach.. correct me if i'm wrong, but they are already pushing this in california, right?
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    My Day at the range (8/9/08)

    A buddy of mine invited me to his member only club out here in the valley on saturday. Up until then, i have only shot in the desert with a maximum target distance of 75 yards. I was quite impressed with the performance of all 3 of my rifles. It was windy...probably around 10-15 mph gusts and...
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    Has anyone ever read this book? "Shooting Back" I'm not a big reader, but this has caught my interest...Has anyone read it?
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    Tyson Foods brings back Labor Day

    Got this email this morning...... the power of the consumer at work...:cool: i kinda wish our govt. would fold like this to the will of the people.
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    The newest type of Assault Weapon

    my whole backyard would suffice as a massive arsenal. i may need a permit.
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    no mention of his party affiliation we all know that is he was a republican, we'd see an R after his name each time it was mentioned in the article.
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    Spending your $...guns or ammo?

    with the uncertainty in November :eek: and the volatile ammo prices...where is everyone spending their $? I want to obtain another AK or an AR before November :eek:, but what good is another evil rifle w/o ammo?
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    Now this is pathetic

    I heard this audio on Rush a while ago in regards to what is deemed as typical Obama supporters. They lack any sense of what America needs and as you will hear, they seem to be self centered and incapable of taking care of themselves. Top it all off with the very apparent notion that his...