Search results

  1. T

    4 beard Bird

    Killed a monster of a multiple beard bird this morning. Fourth bird this year. I repositioned 4 different times and spent 3 hours and 15 minutes fooling with this bird before he finally came in to me. Shot time 9:15 and he was at 27 steps. 4 beards, first one is 10 1/4. Second is 8. Third one is...
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    Bird 2

    Fooled with some birds first thing this morning that wouldn't play right. About 9 am I headed for the swamp and just as I got to our property line there was a gobbler standing in the road that picked up and flew down the road I had planned to park on. So I drove on past and turned up a road a...
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    Bird 1

    17lbs 4oz, 11 1/4 inch beard and 1 1/4 inch spurs. Set up on a green patch where I have been seeing birds. No gobbles on the limb. About fly down time I yelped and within a minute heard wings flapping over my right shoulder. hens started sailing down into the patch. I had no idea they were...
  4. T

    35 Remington Downs Another Hog

    Shot this one right between the eyes this morning down in the swamp.
  5. T

    Game Camera Buck

    Only got one faint photo of this one but I'd love to meet him in daylight. Not bad for an Alabama 8 point.
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    Marlin 336 in 35 remington vs Hog

    Hog loses. I went down to some of our land to put out a few game cameras. I knew there was a good chance of seeing a hog in one place I was going so I took the recently acquired 336 Marlin in 35 rem along. The middle field as we call the place is actually a series of long narrow fields...
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    Bird Number 4

    Went to the home place this morning but this bird was gobbling across a big hollow over on a section of land that ajoins the home place that we call the lease place. I really did not want to walk through that bottom which has a creek in it and a thicket on both sides of that creek that would...
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    Bird 3# Down

    Nothing special. Young two year old. 16 lbs 3 oz. 1/2 inch spurs and 8 inch beard. Killed him in down in the swamp. Kind of a flash hunt. Got him to gobble at a box call. Set up against a big tree. Yelped to him once on a slate and within a minute he was standing in front of me at 40 yards. This...
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    Second Bird Down

    Killed my second of the season this morning. I first set up on a bird that only gobbled 2 times on the limb. Had drawn him in just over the crest of a hill from a little clearing they love to strut in. I was expecting to see his head any minute. Had my gun up, safety off and....all of a sudden 4...
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    First Gobbler of the Season

    Persistence paid off this morning. Didn't shoot this bird until 20 minutes after 9 and he wasn't one of the original 3 birds I had set up on. I had fooled with those birds for 2 hours but they were staying out there about 150 yards gobbling at everything but not coming any closer. This bird...
  11. T

    Patterned My Turkey Rig

    I think I'm good. Mossberg 835 20 inch barrel Hevishot Choke Hevi-13 3 1/2 inch number 7 40 yards 285 in 10 inches Just for fun I tacked up a Primos turkey head target and gave it a blast at 40. Centered it pretty well. 34 pellets in head or neck "BONE". If you count every pellet that drew...
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    Crest Wrapped and Fletched a Few

    Got a few more arrows ready for the recurve for the upcoming season. Think they turned out well.
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    Decent Bama Buck Game Cam Photo

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    Bird 2 Down

    Got number two this morning. Went to the swamp this morning and this bird gobbled at an owl at 5:37. I had fooled with this same bird several days ago and he had flown down out to the left of his tree and walked off gobbling. Today I sat down next to the largest water oak in Packers Bend out in...
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    8 point Bow kill

    Shot this one at 25 yards quartering away this evening. Grim Reaper eat him up and buried in the ground. watched him run a 70 yard semi circle out in a broom sage field and hit the ground. Blood trail looked like something from a Nightmare on Elm Street film. This deer came in twice. First time...
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    Head Shots on Deer?

    I got a couple of guys really giving me hell on another forum because I'm of the opinion that taking head shots on deer is just a pretty bad idea in general. Here's my case but I'm curious to hear what the general opinion here is. First I cannot see why you would want to aim at such a small...
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    Bird Number 3

    Got number 3 this morning. Went to the home place this morning and set up on a bird that was roosted near were I killed the first bird this season. In fact I set up near that same little strut zone clearing that I killed the first one in. But things did not go down as simple this time. I was...
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    My Second Gobbler of the Season

    Killed my second of the season this morning. Went to one spot first thing this morning and heard two birds gobble way off. But they were not in a good place to try and get on. Ran to a place we call the Middle Field next. Walked out by the pond and yelped with a high pitch box call. A bird...
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    Gobbler Down

    Third hunt of the season was the charm this morning. Chris and I had fooled with this bird a few mornings but he had not seemed very receptive to calling. Set up near a little clearing where Chris saw him strutting the other day. He fired up at 06:35 this morning and gobbled 16 times on the...
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    MY Illinois 11 Point

    I was fortunate enough to shoot this buck Monday evening on the 5th day of a 6 day hunt at a small 160 acre farm in Pike County Illinois. Due to a very wet fall they have been extremely late getting the corn up and the weather turned warm on us while we were up there. Those two factors really...