Search results

  1. L

    kosher to lube 1911 w/o field stripping?

    Anyone do this?--as quick maintenance only. Mag out, slide back, drops of oil down exposed rail grooves, in front of retracted hammer, on exposed barrel?
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    Howa package - how good?

    I'm considering a Howa M-1500 rifle + scope (Nikko 3x10) combo in .308. $480 NIB. Any opinions on this?
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    King's Gun Works, Glendale, CA

    Anyone know if these guys are still in business? Their phones are disconnected. They've been around since '49.
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    OK, what's the secret, 1911-lovers?

    I've got two of them and I like them a lot, but why can't I get my slide stop to insert all the way through often than not. Hey, I'm not that klutzy, trust me. The dang thing goes in but not flush. I'm new to this 1911 religion. Maybe you veterans out there can tell me what the secret is...
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    mag repairs--where to find parts?

    Anyone know where I might find springs and follower for an old jammomatic PMI mag for a Mini-14?
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    in-ear hearing protection - a better way?

    Is there any good in-ear hearing protection made that is not the rubber or foam inserts? Something as protective as over-the-ear types--and that stays put? I find it hard to shoot long guns with the over-the-ear type but prefer it for protection. However, the last time I went out with my...
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    Shtf .22

    Which makes more sense for a SHTF .22, a pistol or a rifle, assuming one can buy but one? I'm considering a Ruger Mark II, long barreled, and a Ruger 10/22. I'd want it for taking small game and, if necessary, self-defense, though I have heavier calibers for the latter available. In the...
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    electronic ear muffs--recommendations?

    What's the best value out there in electronic ear muffs? What's best in terms of noise suppression? What about battery life? Any advice appreciated.
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    Ballistic comparison: M1 Carbine .30 vs. .44 mag from Winchester Trapper

    Which one has the edge? Anyone got data?
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    trouble extracting cases from cylinder after shooting

    I have an S&W 442. I've noticed that in the last few range sessions I'm having trouble getting the spent shells out of the cylinder easily. They seem to be sticking, or at least some are, requiring some pulling; they certainly don't just fall out as they do with my Colt Lawman Mk III. I...
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    hollow-points in a lever-action tube--okay to use?

    I'm no rifle expert. Can anyone tell me whether using hollow-point rounds in a lever-action tube is contraindicated? I'm thinking, specifically, Federal 125g and Winchester 150g in a Marlin 336. I thought the only no-no was "pointy" ammo, but someone has just told me that hollow-points aren't...
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    ALI, the movie

    It will be interesting to see how a movie about a guy who renounced his Christian heritage (and name) for Islam and then refused to fight for his country,using his faith as a reason, will play with the heartland of America, especially at this time. My curiosity is about the cultural aspects...
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    ease of maintenance (disassembly, clean, lube, reassembly)--which brands are easiest?

    I have experience with Glocks and 1911s. How do the various major brands of semi-autos rate on the ease of maintenance scale? I know Glocks are no-brainers.
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    Oregonian columnist Steve Duin sizes up Clatsop "militia" proposal

    "The Taliban are coming, the Taliban are . . . 11/04/01 T O: All Nervous, Overwrought, Trigger-Happy SEAL Wannabes in the Portland Area FROM: Joint Emergency Response Commander SUBJECT: Homeland Security Take heart. We are no longer a city at risk. We no longer exist in a state of...
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    John Masen 10-rounders for the Mini-14

    Has anyone used the "new & improved" 10-round magazines for the Mini-14 from John Masen? Assessment? They were unavailable for a while; now they're back, I'm told.
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    moola vs. mullah

    One thing curiously absent from all this war discussion is the crying need for energy independence. Could it be that this Administration can't make wise and coherent policy because of the tentacles of Big Oil, both here and abroad? I don't know, just asking, folks. And we don't need to go to...
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    mouse guns with tip-up barrels - Beretta vs. Taurus

    Anyone have experience with these two lines of tip-up barreled mini-guns? Opinions regarding quality, reliability, design differences? I'm interested in .25acp and greater.
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    the state of U.S. intelligence - an article worth reading
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    older 1911s--some questions about ammo, profile and pressure

    I'm buying an Argentine Colt 1911 (Sistema Modelo 1927). How well will this Colt clone (probably 50 years old) feed a round like the new Cor-Bon Pow'r'Ball or Federal's EFMJ? Ideally, I'd like to find a cartridge that will feed like ball (reliably) but offer some expansion potential too...
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    FFL paperwork - C&R purchase from out of state dealer

    Anyone know a gun dealer in Southern California that will do FFL paperwork for a handgun (Curio & Relic category) to be bought from a Virginia firm? I'm having trouble finding one. Thanks.