Search results

  1. F

    Clipart: ladies shotgun shooting?

    I'm putting together a ladies fun shoot at our local range. Does anyone have any B&W clipart sources that depict a woman swinging a shotgun?
  2. F

    Training in Florida

    I'm headed down to Florida with my family for a couple weeks in March and am hoping to get in a pistol training course (you can only spend so much time being a tourist, doncha know ;)). I read the posts about Randy Cain, but unfortunately his class schedule doesn't jive with mine. Any of you...
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    Deer season closes amid gales

    Gol dammit bleepin' sumbbichin weather! (Can I say that?) I was hoping to refresh The Hunt forum with a tale of late season deer hunting. You know, freshly fallen snow, fair winds, post-solstice sunshine, deer prancing near the beach...but all I get are gales. The season closes today amid 40...
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    Cast bullets for 45 ACP

    I'm going to order up a mold and top punch to start casting for my Kimber. I had decided on a Lee 6-cavity mold, but I can't figure out which top punch to get for my RCBS lube-a-matic. The bullet mold is Lee 452-230-TC. Anyone have a cross-brand reference chart for bullets and top punches? I...
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    Dumped 5 cow moose today!

    Ahh, moose hunting at it's easiest! Hit each running moose squarely in the a$$ from about 15 yards while hanging out the door of a screaming Hughes 500 helicopter. Tough job but somebodies gotta do it. The projectiles were narcotic laden darts shot from a Palmer Capture rifle. After collecting a...
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    Loads too hot for S&W 629?

    As back-up brown bear protection, I just cast and loaded some 310 gr gas checked bullets for my 629, with 23 gr of H4227. They fit in the cylinder with room to spare and shoot well, with no evidence of too much pressure. The book says they go about 1200 fps. They kick like a mule!:eek: Knowing...
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    Kimber Pro Carry?

    I've got an opportunity to buy a nice .45.:D I've never owned one before, but I'd like to get one that's fun to blast away with at the range, has decent accuracy, and can be carried concealed. I'm taking a concealed carry class in January. I'm leaning toward the Kimber Pro Carry, which I can get...
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    Duck Dog Blues

    I've got a 5 mo. old Chessie pup to replace my 12 year old Chessie bitch. No, replace is not the right word. Anyway, I was awakened at 5 am a couple mornings ago to the pup whining beside the bed. As soon as she realized I was awake she leaped aboard. It was just enough effort to cause her...
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    Which bullet mold for my 45-70?

    With the help of an experienced reloading friend, I'm going to cast and load for my 45-70 Guide Gun. I'm after a double-cavity mold (which eliminates most manufacturers who have only make single-cavity molds for big bores),with gas checks, which eliminates other manufacturers. I'm thinking of...
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    Passengers rifle fires while being checked

    These idiots are going to make it tough for us to transport our firearms.,2360,206687,00.html ------------------ RKBA!
  11. F

    Successful moose hunt!

    Just got back from an island off the Bering River mouth in the Gulf of Alaska. There were four of us, two with cow drawing permits (not me, I'm never that lucky). On the evening of the first day my partners dropped a cow and a young bull within 30 yards of each other and our hunt was over. We...
  12. F

    Ching Sling for Guide Gun

    I just got a Guide Gun after weeks of drooling. So far I've only smashed a few rocks with it (awesome! :D) but I'm going out deer hunting this weekend. Got some Ashley Ghost Ring sights on the way. I want to put a nylon Ching Sling on it but so far I can't find any Pachmayr flush mount swivels...
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    CARA Action Alert

    OK hunters, time to act. I can't figure out what to do with the FAX form described below so I'll foward it to my home email and go from there. If anyone knows, let me know how to post it. The Senators below are for Alaska, go after your own! CARA Call-In and Fax Alert! PLEASE UNDERTAKE THESE...
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    Virus Alert!

    I didn't confirm this but thought I'd put it out there anyway: ---------- Very Urgent!!!!!!! PASS THIS ON TO ANYONE YOU HAVE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR. If you receive an email titled: "It Takes Guts to Say Jesus" DO NOT OPEN IT. It will erase everything on your hard drive. This information was...
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    Trend toward undergunning in lower 48?

    Or am I reading too much into recent threads? IMHO, new hunters should not attempt big game hunting with pistol calibers. There's a reason that .30 caliber hunting rifles have always been popular: they kill game cleanly and reliably. They'll often do the job even if a hunter botches the shot...
  16. F

    First post...another Alaskan on TFL

    Hi Everyone. Figured I've spent enough hours sneaking around TFL without adding my 2 cents worth now and then. This is a great site with some fine people. And what a info. resource! Thanks to your input (and the search mode) I've gone and ordered me up the Marlin Guide Gun for use here in the...