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  1. Q

    Final Post (for a while)

    I have been having health problems and the doctor thinks my cancer might have returned. I am going to have more tests done and I won't be posting on TFL for awhile until I find out what is going on. Its been fun, take care friends. Mods: Please close this thread and leave in a read only...
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    Glock 26 recoil springs sure break a lot

    The little plastic ring (located toward the smaller inner spring) that holds the large spring onto the rod has broken on two different G26 recoil springs (both recoil springs had less than 400 rounds). This piece of flimsy plastic holds the large spring in place (preventing it from overlapping...
  3. Q

    Drop your gun or put it down lightly?

    Scenario: You legally use your favorite (fill in the blank) CCW handgun to stop an assault. When the police arrive, they order you to throw your handgun down onto the pavement. Do you throw it or slowly and gently put it down on the pavement. Not wanting to scratch up or ding my pistol, I...
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    CZ 97 B price check?

    I plan to buy one very soon. I see the MSRP is $599. I would pay that in a second (this is one of the nicest .45's out there IMO). However, if I can get it for less that is even better. Those of you who bought one recently: what approximate price did you pay for it?
  5. Q

    The News (usually very biased)

    Bear with me, I am going to relate this with guns in my conclusion. As you know, the news in general takes liberal stances and tends to stereotype. They stereotype gun owners, dog breeds, etc. Well, finally tonight a positive story on a maligned breed of dog. KTVU (Fox San Fran Bay Area) did...
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    Semi-automatic revolver?

    Anyone shot one of these? I saw a brief two liner about them in a magazine but never actually seen one or shot one. It sounds like an interesting design. I don't remember the brand name that made it, but if memory serves (it usually doesn't :( ) it was a foreign make.
  7. Q

    Rank the following brands (accuracy)

    Rank based on accuracy Sig Sauer, Glock, CZ, Berreta, Taurus,HK This is strictly based on your experience and all answers are correct. ;) Here is what I would say IME..... 1. CZ (75,97) 2. Sig Sauer (Classic) 3. HK 4. Glock 5. Taurus (Beretta PT Clones) 6. Beretta (P92/96...
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    Confessions from an ex-Glock Fanatic

    [Edited by Quantum Singularity on 02-20-2001 at 01:23 PM]
  9. Q

    Pistols with large following that don't perform well

    What pistols have you bought or shot that are very popular, yet do not perform up to expectations? For me, 1. S&W 3rd Gen (pathetic quality control, very poor SA trigger, sub par accuracy, and no reliability to speak of) 2. Colt 1911's (sloppy quality control, mediocre accuracy, and sub par...
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    Kalifornia AB 273 (now called AB 35)

    The Democraps rewrote AB 273 and now called it AB 35. With a Democrap senator and senate, it will pass. Looks like it is going to be the end of handgun ownership as we know it in Kalifornia! :(
  11. Q

    Member function

    Just curious, why did the administrator disable the "Member" function (the third button on the first row)?
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    How are moderators choosen?

    Just curious. I was wondering who selects them and how they are chosen.
  13. Q

    CZ pistols

    The more I shoot them, the more I like them. The overall accuracy and ergonomics are excellent. One question remains: how the HECK can CZ build such outstanding guns at such a low price?
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    CZ durability?

    I am very impressed with the great accuracy and overall quality of the CZ line--specifically the CZ 75 and CZ 97. In fact, even the .40 cal CZ 75 version I recently tried was a tackdriver--and I generally don't shoot the .40 well. If these guns are durable, I plan on getting one (probably the...
  15. Q

    Most under-rated & Over-rated semi-auto pistols

    What would you classify as the most under-rated and most over-rated pistols? Under-rated (no particular order): CZ's Ruger P Series Over-rated(no particular order): S&W 3rd Gen Colt 1911's Most 1911's (out of the box) Sig Sauer P Series [Edited by Quantum Singularity on 01-30-2001 at...
  16. Q

    Best looking / ugly pistols

    Functioning aside, how would you rank SEMI-AUTO pistols from a purely cosmetic perspective? Here are my choices....... Best looking: 1. P08 Luger 2. Walther P38 3. Beretta 92/96 Series 4. Kimber 1911s 5. Springfield 1911s 6. Sig Sauer P Series Ugliest 1. Glock (the ugliest of the...
  17. Q

    Who likes SA sixguns?

    Who likes old west style single action sixguns? I have shot most of the Ruger single action revolvers (along with some older Colts), and the grips on them are superb. These are the only handguns that point right on for me (I even have some sucess shooting from the hip at close range). They...
  18. Q

    S&W "Tactical" Series pistols

    Just for fun, I shot a friend's (S&W TSW and regular S&W 3rd generation) auto side by side. I don't see much of a difference (they both are inferior to Sigs and most other auto brands in almost every area). Observations (TSW vs Regular 3rd Gen): Negatives: * The SA trigger is still bad...
  19. Q

    Don't like S&W (autoloaders)

    Just curious, who else dislikes S&W semi-autos? I had nothing but troubles with the 2 models I owned (I sold both at a huge loss). If you do a search, you can find out more about my troubles (I've posted the problems of my S&W autoloaders many times). But, I'd like to see how many others have...
  20. Q

    Glocks (revisited)

    I don't consider myself a Glock fan. The only Glocks I like are the G21, G26 and G30. I own the G21 and G26 currently and plan to get a 30 shortly. Having said that, I want to point out an often overlooked advantage of owning a Glock. Glock owners can join the GSSF club and enter the...