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  1. G

    2010 NRA Convention To Be A No Carry Zone.

    Yep, believe it or not, legal carry of firearms either OC or CC is prohibited at the Charlotte convention. From the website........ North Carolina State law prohibits the carrying of firearms in the Charlotte Convention Center, the Bojangles Coliseum, and the Time Warner Cable Arena. In...
  2. G

    Vote in this poll please!!

    Help out your neighbours to the North. We've been fighting this for 14 years and we might just win. Scrap the "long gun" registry!!
  3. G

    Headstamp Stumper.

    Good afternoon all! I recently loaded some .45ACP brass with the headstamp "TEXAS" and ".45ACP" on them, no other markings. The brass was new and I can't remember where I picked them up. Any input on the maker or the history of this brass? Pics available, but I'm at work right now and my...