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  1. J

    Argentinian children to turn in toy guns for school supplies?

    Did anyone see this story? There was a big picture in a local new paper today with kids sitting in front of a big table with piles of toy guns. Those evil toy guns? How I ever made it out of my childhood is beyond me. We didnt just have toy guns, we dressed up in full cammys with canteens and...
  2. J

    Red Wing Boot Owners.

    OK, about ten years ago I owned a nice pair of RW boots and as far as I can remember they lasted me over 10 years! Recently I went out to search for a nice new boot to get ready for the fall & winter months. Once again, I ended up at the Red Wing outlet. The boot I chose is an oiled leather...
  3. J

    Is GlockTalk down?

    Either its my PC or GlockTalk has been down for quite a while. Has anyone else noticed this? Thanks, Jason
  4. J

    Who here uses Hogue Grip Screws? I have a question.

    I just ordered all Hogue hex grip screw to replace all of my current flat head screws. Does anyone use these here? My question is this. What size allen wrench fits the screws? I have them comming in tommorow along with some new kingwood grips for a P-220 and I just want to have the allen wrench...
  5. J

    Looking for a good source for a camo finish on my G23,,,suggestions?

    Yup, I am strongly considering refinishing my 23 in a dessert camo pattern. Does anybody have any pics, links or whatever of Glocks or any gun for that matter with a camo finish on it? Also, if you have any other finish recomendations I am all ears, I am not yet sold on the camo. Also, this...
  6. J

    My Glock 23 with black sanded off,,,,,,Pics

    Well I posted this on GlockTalk and thought that some of TFL people might find this interesting. Anyway, this 23 of mine is very old and was showing a ton of holster wear. After talking to a few people I decided I was going to either bead blast the black phosphate off or use extra fine girt...
  7. J

    Sanding black phosphate off a Glocks slide ?

    I have a pretty beat looking G23 with the black wearing off in a bunch of places. At first I was thinking of getting it hard chromed but then I started hearing that the tennifer finish under the black is much harder than Chrome and I should stick with that. I have been advised that by taking...
  8. J

    Sanding black phosphate off a Glocks slide ?

    I have a pretty beat looking G23 with the black wearing off in a bunch of places. At first I was thinking of getting it hard chromed but then I started hearing that the tennifer finish under the black is much harder than Chrome and I should stick with that. I have been advised that by taking...
  9. J

    Somebody post the .50 caliber rifle video,,I cant seem to find it.

    I remember a video a few days ago that was posted here with a Marine doing a demonstration, if anybody can find that and post a link I would appreciate it. ~Jason
  10. J

    Purchased a NIB P220,,,now feeling guilty,P220 owners ease my paine.

    Well, Went to the shop yesterday to possibly buy a P-232 for $430, I was looking at it and I did like it but it just wasnt blowing me away (no pun intended) Then I looked to the right of the P-232 and noticed a nice new P-220 for $640, I sat their shaking wondering if I should just plop dome the...
  11. J

    Might be picking up a P-232 tonight,,what can you tell me

    All you P-232 owners out there, what can you tell me about this gun? From what I have heard the P-232 is one of the best guns chambered for the .380 on the market. What are some of the pros and cons of this gun, I never really wanted a .380 but I really like the way the gun looks and feels, if...
  12. J

    Post your latest on Flrorida, we havent won yet!

    Damn, will this thing ever end? Latest Bush up by 1200 in Florida with many military votes to come. Seems promissing but after last night I wont beleive a damn thing until I see G.W.s hand on the bible. ~Jason
  13. J

    Help a newby make a choice,,,,he could use it.

    Hello guys, I am a big hand gunner but have had my share of fun with shotguns. I am planning on doing some hunting in the near future and I am hoping you could give me a hand in making a choice based on the following specs. I want to use this gun for: 1. Skeet 2. upland bird/waterfoul 3...
  14. J

    It seems like the election is starting to slip to the Dems!

    I dont know about you guys but I am starting to get a little edgy in the final days before the election. You turn on the news and you see Queene Latifa (ex gangster) recruiting all her inner city thugs to vote for Gore (some of which are the reasons we carry firearms in the first place) along...
  15. J

    Smith and Wesson laying off 3000 emplyees!

    Just heard the snip it on the news. They saud the reason for the layoff is because of lack of business and how much business they have lost. Imagine that......I wonder why they lost business when they had such a fine product. To be honest I find this whole thing very sad to say the least, as a...
  16. J

    Ted Nugents new book,,God, Guns & Rock & Roll

    Has anybody read this book? I am totally pumped to go get it at lunch today. A book written by Ted should be pure bliss for any gun owner to read. A man who speaks the truth and doesnt sugar coat a thing, sounds good to me! This is a man I have no problem putting money in his pocket. ~Jason
  17. J

    Ted Nugents new book,,God, Guns & Rock & Roll

    Has anybody read this book? I am totally pumped to go get it at lunch today. A book written by Ted should be pure bliss for any gun owner to read. A man who speaks the truth and doesnt sugar coat a thing, sounds good to me! This is a man I have no problem putting money in his pocket. ~Jason
  18. J

    Help me decide on a nice finish to have done to my Sig P239

    I have a Sig P239 that I want to dress up a little bit. What I was thinking is that I want a finish with a silver tone such as Hard Chrome or Nickel although I hear the Hard Chrome is more durable and chips less than nickel. Where are some places to have something like this done that have a...
  19. J

    Presidential debate tonight,,,,whats your predictions?

    I live and work in Boston and this place is going to be nuts today and tonight, they are already shutting down major streets which leaves me to beleive the commute home is going to be a nightmare. Anyway, What is your predictions on tonights debate? The buzz is that Gore is going to try to...
  20. J

    10/22,,,,where to get high cap mags,,,nice target barrel?

    Ok, I have been shooting my stock/blued 10/22 this whole summer and am amazed at its accuracy. Seeing how I have more fun with this gun than any others I have come up with the idea that I want to trick it out this winter a little at a time. The first couple things I want to grab for it are...