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  1. H

    Purchased M44 -- How do I remove cosmaline?

    Hi guys. I went to a local gun show yesterday and purchased a Mosin-Nagant M44 which was produced in 1945. I also purchased a Chinese made SKS. Anyway, the seller told me that the weapon had spent some time soaking in cosmaline (sp?) and that though the weapon looked clean, I should...
  2. H

    Zogby: Bob Barr is Polling at 6%

    Bob Barr is already polling high at 6% according to pollster John Zogby. Barr needs 10% by September to make it into the presidential debates. I say, if McCain continues to move to the left by supporting Global Warming and as long as John McCain remains luke-warm toward our 2nd amendment...
  3. H

    Recommend a shotgun for approx $400-$500

    I have never owned a shotgun. I have shot one a few times. I do own various rifles and handguns and have been shooting for over 15 years. Now I have an interest in adding my first shotgun to my collection. I don't want to spend a lot of money because I am currently purchasing rifles that...