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  1. R

    Stainless vs. Blued Question

    New stainless guns are almost always more expensive than the same model blued guns; that is just the way it is. But in the used market, which is where I buy my guns (I like guns with history), there is more variation. A nice stainless gun will sometimes fetch a lower price than the same gun in...
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    Revamped Smith & Wesson Website!

    I was poking around a couple of manufacturers' websites and discovered that S&W has completely revamped their website. As some of you will agree, it was sorely in need of it. The new site seems pretty user-friendly. Just thought I'd get the word out. Oh, and thank you Smith and Wesson! :)...
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    What are the effects of a stronger recoil spring?

    I ordered a Wolff recoil spring to replace the one in my Ruger P89. The reason I did so was because compared to my other P89 (I have two), this one's slide would move more slowly, take longer to cycle, and occasionally "bottom out" during cycling. I was almost certain the spring was not worn...
  4. R

    Very cheap S&W Model 10s at J&G Sales - Opinions?

    I was looking for a cheap, but operational and reliable, .38 for range use and came across these at J & G Sales. I don't care at all about looks, just how and whether it works and whether it will last at least a few years without expensive gunsmithing. What do you think?
  5. R

    A comprehensive Ruger book?

    I was hoping to find a book that covers Ruger firearms (handguns in particular) similar to the way that the Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson does for S&W. Lots of info, pictures (color is a plus) and the like. What would y'all recommend? Thanks! (This thread is in General Handgun forum...
  6. R

    S&W Performance Center 629 Hunter - Thoughts and Questions

    Most of you know that I am a Ruger guy: I only own Ruger handguns. But I have been toying with the thought of buying a 629 that my friend offered to me. Then, this past week, I made a fateful decision to stop by the gun shop since I got off early one day last week. I ran into a stainless S&W...
  7. R

    Reassembled SP101 - What checks are necessary?

    I disassembled my Ruger SP101 because I the cylinder stop had gotten stuck down and the cylinder was rotating freely (this was my fault as I had sprayed GunScrubber into the opening. It only happened briefly, but this is a carry gun so you can understand my concern...) Anyhoo, I got it all...
  8. R

    Ruger SR9c Range Report

    I finally got my Ruger SR9c (compact version of the SR9) to the range today. I thought I’d do a short range report for the benefit of posterity. First of all, the inside of the gun came coated in a thin, sticky film. I thought it prudent to field strip it and give it a thorough cleaning and...
  9. R

    SP101 cylinder freely rotating

    I have an SP101 that I use for CCW. It's always been a good gun and I shoot it regularly and have never had a problem. After my last range visit (during which the gun shot amazing groups), I cleaned the gun thoroughly since I had not cleaned it the prior two range visits (I know, I know..). I...
  10. R

    The gun you lust after, but will (probably) never buy...

    The idea for this thread came to me as I considered the offer my best friend made me: His 6-inch S&W 629 Classic, NIB, never fired, for what seems like a good price. I love that gun. Whenever I visit, I fondle it and work the action a few times, just to remind me how sweet it really is. My...
  11. R

    Realistic Kidnapping Scenario - what can we learn from it?

    Sarah is a 30-year old woman traveling a long distance with her husband and 1-year old child. They are in a mid-size sedan. At 1:00 PM they stop at a supermarket in what appears to be a decent part of the town they happen to be passing through. While her husband goes inside for the needed...
  12. R

    New members bumping old threads...

    First of all, let me say that I have no ill will toward new members. When you stop growing, you start dying, right? But I have noticed that most of the very-old-thread-bumpers tend to be the new members. And it happens often on their very first post. Maybe they found that thread in a search or...
  13. R

    .357 Mag Reloaders...can someone help me out?

    As some of you know, I collect ammo. .38 Spl and .357 Mag headstamps are my specialty but I don't yet reload. I have acquired a new case with no primer, powder, or bullet that is of a headstamp that I didn't have before. I would like to have it loaded. Is there anyone who reloads for .357 that...
  14. R

    Open Bolt & Closed Bolt - Please explain

    OK, I am a regular poster in the Handgun forum. Many of you 'know' me. But I am a handgun guy, not a rifle guy - yet. Someday I will be but I have no storage place for long guns right now. But I have an embarrassing question. Even more embarrassing than when I was 7 and watching my dad fill out...
  15. R

    Will you use some of your tax refund on gun-related purchases?

    It's the time of year when many of us will be receiving an income tax refund. For the first time in my life, I will be receiving a substantial refund. I am able to use a portion of the money on something I want, which generally means guns/gun stuff. I'm still narrowing down what I really want...
  16. R

    Why is reloading cost-effective?

    I've been wondering about this for a while. How is that reloading your own ammo saves money? When you consider the massive advantage ammo-makers have in terms of buying in huge quantities, fast machinery, etc., shouldn't factory ammo be cheaper than doing it yourself? What is it that I'm missing?
  17. R

    SigSauer P238 - is it really a 1911?

    So, I'm at the local Academy and I see this cool little gun. the Sig P238. It's small enough to conceal easily, pretty light, and yet not too small in the hand. It might make it on "The List." I understand it's built like a 1911 as well as being single-action. But is it a true 1911? Or is it...
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    Benelli MR1 - what are your thoughts?

    Now, I'm not a rifle guy and I know very little about rifles, though I have been itching for an AR for a while. But I always knew that I didn't want a traditional AR. Then this new Benelli MR1 comes out. It's different: they took their shotgun receiver and turned it into a rifle, it seems...
  19. R

    5-inch GP 100? I think I found a unicorn!

    The mythical 5-inch GP100...the perfection between 4 and 6. Does it exist or is this an error? I suppose it is actually a -161 model, but I sure got happy for a minute.
  20. R

    Time for a firearm-specific belt - recommendations?

    OK, I know this has to have been hashed over many times here on TFL, and I searched, I promise :) I am in need of a new black belt. My last one was from before I carried concealed so it was bought without any firearm considerations. My new belt will be used to carry a holster and gun, so I...