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  1. M

    Another funny site - pictures

    Check out Strange Cosmos MPF
  2. M

    How are the gun sales in your area?

    I was at the local gun store over the weekend and was whining about how slow my area of business is to the counter-dude, when he explained that gun sales in Indiana are much lower than last year. At least from his perspective. I know that I've only one new gun this year!:eek: So how are gun...
  3. M

    CAI Garand.

    I'm considering purchasing one of the Parts kit garands with a CAI reciever. Is it worth the $399? How is the reciever manufactured? Could I use the reciever and build a decent shooter? Thanks, MP
  4. M

    What does MOLON LABE Mean?

    So what does it mean? Somebody throw me a clue please! Thanks again in advance. Regards, MP Editted to say I didn't see this thread earlier: Sorry for any double threads. Moderator: Cut this ugly thread off at the...
  5. M

    Who shot birds as a kid with a BB gun?

    I am interested to know how many of you contributed with me in the killing of birds as a child. When I was a kid before I was 16, I had a few BB/Pellet guns in my possession. I loved the things. Those guns are the reason I'm a gun nut today. I tinkered with them all the time. Sigheted them...
  6. M

    Old question with twists.

    I did this thread a while back, but I thought I'd run it back up the flagpole, as I see many new handles on the forum. -------- For some reason or another, you are only able to have four guns. What would they be? Not "when the poo-poo strikes the propeller" guns, but they could be. In the...
  7. M

    The Joy of Giving. (and recieving)

    All right folks, Christmas time is upon us and my wife has just returned from a search and destroy mission at the mall. She now has all the Christmas gifts bought and ready for wrapping. She asked me what I might want for Christmas. She wants a new Coach leather purse. For the uninitiated...
  8. M

    URGENT !!!!

    Do this now. Call the Florida speaker of the house and encourage them to hold a special session to determine the electors in Florida. They are considering doing this as we speak. If you get an answering machine, leave a message. The congress has a 2-1 republican majority in both houses...
  9. M

    Finally own a 1911.

    Just got a new Springfield Armoury "loaded" 1911, parkarized version. I like it much. Carries well, but I could use a new holster. I thinking on a Milt Sparks IWB Executive companion in horse hide with belt and mag pouches. I'll be putting another exact pistol in layaway next week. Just...
  10. M

    All DUI, and no Perot?

    I listened to the ABC nightly news tonight on radio. I wanted to see if they would say anything about H. Ross Perot endorsing Gov. Bush. Guess what? Not one mention of Perot endorsing Mr. Bush. One is an attack on Mr. Bush and the other is a benefit. Wow, what a surprise in the case of ABC...
  11. M

    A Beer 24 years ago, or an ice tea 1 year ago?

    Which is more important? I have to say Iced Tea. Where was the pack of reporters after it appeared that Al Gore lied under oath when he said he wasn't aware the the Buddhist Temple event was a fund raiser, and then had a memo come up that showed he was at a meeting at which the term "fund...
  12. M

    Recommendations on moving a safe.

    I purchased a new gun safe this weekend and it was delivered today. I bought mine from Johnson Safe out of Zionsville Indiana. Good safe at a good price. 317-876-SAFE. Here are my recommendations on moving a gun safe into your basement. 1.) Let someone else do it! 2.) If you don't...
  13. M

    What did you buy this week. Not "would you like to buy"

    Went to the Indy 1500 gun show this weekend. I wasn't planning on buying anything. Well...maybe sorta kinda wanted to buy something but I wan't outright "planning" on it. Anyway, my new gun safe arrives tommorrow on Oct 31. :D Also got to contribute financially to Marvin Scott and...
  14. M

    Difference between SA Loaded and TRP.

    What are the difference between the Springfield Armoury Loaded 1911 and the Springfield Armoury TRP? Other than $1000. Regards, MP
  15. M

    Logical logic. Must read.

    For those like me who seldom use logic. I prefer the "FOR THE CHILDREN" argument. BARF!! Check this out. I know you'll find it useful. Regards, MP
  16. M

    Scary day at the range.

    Went shooting over the weekend with my Brother. Had a great time too. Put hundreds of round through some of my guns. My new "loaded" M1A is FANTASTIC!!!! <Rant On> But this is a rant about range safety. We were shooting at the pistol range and there were some other fellas there as well...
  17. M

    Scary day at the range.

    Went shooting over the weekend with my Brother. Had a great time too. Put hundreds of round through some of my guns. My new "loaded" M1A is FANTASTIC!!!! <Rant On> But this is a rant about range safety. We were shooting at the pistol range and there were some other fellas there as well...
  18. M

    Muzzle blast in low light.

    I would like to know if anybody here as ever shot a 357 magnum round in low light conditions. I shot mine last week around dusk and was slightly night blinded by the muzzle blast. I can see where this may be a problem. Home defense in the wee hours of the night come to mind. I found that if...
  19. M

    M-14 Olin Mathieson Magazine?

    I went to the Indy 1500 Gun Show today and bought two 20-round mags for my M1A. They were new from factory and still in the original packaging. Here's what is on the outside: Magazine Assembly 1 EA Brunswick Sports Products Co. Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. A-IC Apr 62 Is this a rare...
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    Gun Workbench & Saferoom ideas wanted.

    I had a house built with safety and protection in mind and then moved in about one year ago. I have finished all the "other" projects, ie. landscaping and picket fence, finishing garage, furnishings inside and out. And now it's time to finish the basement! I've been looking forward to this...