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  1. W

    Actor shot in the BACK by LAPD

    Remember this was a hot topic not too long ago, and many of the LEOs here defended the actions of the LAPD? For right or wrong, be careful defending these guys as they appear to have the unparalled ability to make the rest of you good LEOs look bad by association. What am I getting at? Autopsy...
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    Funny Look into the Liberal Mind on Voting

    Yesterday, a liberal emailed me urging me to write the FL DOE and call for a re-vote. Much to my (probably former) liberal friend I did the opposite! Thread here: This interesting exchange shows how their minds work...
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    MUST READ: Help prevent a re-vote

    TFLers, please use the power of the internet to help prevent another liberal fraud from being perpetrated upon the American people. I just recieved this email from a (liberal) friend of mine: "PLEASE READ THIS -----Original Message----- From: Tuffs, Ian [] Sent...
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    Massachusetts Idiots

    I was inspired by the "Colorado Idiots" thread. In MA we have one of the most oppressive state tax systems, with double, tripple and quarduple taxation rampant. One ballot question set to fix this was the question that give MA residents taz credit for thier tolls, and excise tax for any toll...
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    No Matter Who Wins, The Republic is Dead

    No matter who wins, the republic is dead, freedom is in great jeopardy and future generations of Americans will live in an America much different from that of today, and worlds apart from what the Founding Fathers intended. This election is one of the closest in history, and considering that I...
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    Yep-- We should all call 911 and trust all our lives to the police

    This is not meant to be a police bashing thread-- there are many fine men and women in uniform-- but the lack of judgement displayed here (by the deceased and the police) is frightening. This does put holes in the theory that we should all give up our right to arms and call 911 instead. There...
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    Klintons Next Check Will Crear After All
  8. W

    Smith and Wesson Must Die!! (Brits Interview Schultz)

    I hate to see one of the oldest and finest American firearms manufacturers go out of business, but they did it to themselves. The worst part is that they stilll just don't get it. Here is an excerpt from the latest interview with Schultz. Even though the slant makes me sick, it's no surprise...
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    End of America as You Know It

    Wednesday August 30 12:02 AM ET Calif. Minorities Become Majority By TOM VERDIN, Associated Press Writer LOS ANGELES (AP) - California's minority population became the majority in 1999, continuing a demographic evolution that could have wide-ranging consequences for the state's political...
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    Finally a Hint of Sanity!!!!

    Finally some hint of sanity is beginning to emerge in the frivilous lawsuit game: Saturday August 12 10:48 AM ET Court Says City Can't Sue Gun Makers for Damages CINCINNATI (Reuters) - Saying it did not want to open a ''Pandora's box'' for lawsuits against other industries, an appeals court...
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    Crazy Liberal Cr*p in Alabama-- NOT!!

    Did any of you see this: On TV either Monday or Sunday, I think it was 60 minutes: The story about the emtionally disturbed young man in the AL school system? Perfect example of how insane and irrational PC crap is, and how at least some states (notably southern ones) don't put up with it...
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    What pistol do you want when TSHTF?

    I hope this topic hasn't been already beat to death on TFL, but here it goes: Assuming limited funds of the average person, what pistol do you want to own when TSHTF and why? Let me clarify when TSHTF: I mean not just a BG encounter in today's societal context, but lets assume a social...
  13. W

    Priceless!! Gun Buyback Program Backfires!!

    I had a good laugh over this one, but it did cause some consternation as well. Once again, this shows the antis-- liberals, Gore lovers, Clintonites, whatever you want to call them-- make up the rules as they go along, and never honor a bargain even if it's one of their own making. Also rather...