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  1. C

    For those of you that have CCW, are you certified by the AHA for CPR and AED?

    So you have your CCW and ready to defend yourselves, family and possibly others against immediate threat to bodily harm and/or prepared as can be to take a life. How about to save a life?
  2. C

    LEOs chime in.

    What is the sop on using tasers? when a suspect is a threat, but not a deadly threat, to himself and others? or can it be used to control a suspect? or at the discretion of the officer?
  3. C

    turnout at the polls?

    What does everyone think the turnout will be? We already have people out walking around asking if you want to register to vote, so that the lazy have the option to vote. Short of door to door voting, will people show up to vote?
  4. C

    Mcain and Obama on energy...

    John Mcain says drill here, drill now and build more nuclear power plants, use every available resource such as wind, sunlight, water, geothermal etc. Obama says no to nuclear power, open:rolleyes: to offshore drilling, says we will be completely independent from foreign oil in 10 years, I have...
  5. C

    Anybody watching 30 days on fx?

  6. C

    bayonet on a handgun??

  7. C

    it gets joked about on here, here's the real thing Militia probe began at 'flamethrower party,' agent says Wednesday, June 11, 2008 By Sadie Gurman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Two men with alleged ties to area militias -- who are self-proclaimed "survivalists" -- will remain in the Allegheny...
  8. C

    keltec rfb anybody know anything, hear anything or handled one(shot)?
  9. C

    new xdm

    anybody fire one yet?
  10. C

    pro gun in PA

    not sure if this should go in legal and political or general discussion so mods feel free to move it as neccessary. a couple weeks ago we went shotting as usual at the same field we have been for the past 6 years. about 45 minutes later 2 cops show stating this is private property and we're all...