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  1. S

    NBC News hatchet job tonight

    NBC Nightly News did a "follow-up" story on the expiration of the AWB tonight, Wednesday. They interviewed street cops who complained about the fire power the bad guys have, implying that this was as a result of the ban sunsetting. NBC talked about the usual AK-47s and Uzi's in the hands of...
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    Kerry on AWB: Liar or Moron?

    From a Reuters article on Yahoo: 1. Kerry, a battle-hardened combat veteran in Vietnam, surely knew what an AK-47 is. 2. Kerry, a Senator who voted for the ban, surely knew that the ban had nothing to do with AK-47s. 3. What's wrong with this picture :confused:
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    Democrats running scared?

    A political ad on TV last night caught my attention. Guy named John Norris is running for US Congress in Iowa. He's a Democrat, although you can't tell that from the ad, unless you know who he is, or that the incumbent is a Republican. I looked up his web site to be sure, and you have to do some...
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    Daschle off and running

    Just caught part of a Wolf Blitzer interview with Tom Daschle. Daschle told Wolf that he has not made any decision about running for President, but he sure went to great extremes not to offend anyone. Wolf asked Daschle if he agreed with Bush's statement that Sharon was a man of peace. Daschle...
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    US declares war on Iraq

    President Joe Lieberman today declared war on Iraq. Lieberman just returned from Afghanistan, where he and John McLain solved all of that country's problems. (Lieberman was live on cable TV from Afghanistan, talking about the major issues "here in Southeast Asia". McCain didn't even blink when...
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    First look at new Army 4X4

    Dept. of Def. today announced first tactical deployment of the new DumbVee:
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    AirCav? We don't need no steenkin' Air
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    McCain makes sense!!

    I can't believe it. John McCain was just on CNBC Hardball, and I agreed with what he said. Chris Matthews asked him if we needed to escalate in Afghanistan and send in a lot of troops. McCain said he didn't have enough info to make an informed decision on that, and we have to leave that kind of...
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    Gun show report

    Went to a small gun show in Iowa this weekend, my first after 9/11. Attendence was about average for this show, and business seemed to be good. Prices seems to be unchanged over the last few months also. I asked one dealer about gun sales since 9/11, and he said that there was not much of an...
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    Bio-media-terroist misses target

    Bio-media-terrorist misses target From today's Chicago Tribune: "In Nashville, WTVF-Channel 5 reporter Rob Manning wanted to show how easy it would be for terrorists to poison the water supply with anthrax or smallpox. With cameras running, he crawled under a fence that he said was "a few...
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    Can I go play with the Rangers?

    Sec. of Def. Rumsfeld was apparently stumped by the press yesterday: "The question put to him Monday was why reporters or civilian photographers can't tag along on special operations missions inside Afghanistan. "Rumsfeld paused for a second before answering. "Well," he stammered. "It seems,"...
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    War on Terror: 1 no vote

    Only one member of Congress, Rep. Barbara Lee from Oakland in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia, voted against giving the President authority for the war on terrorism. While it is clear that Ms. Lee has her head in the sand, or someplace else where the sun don't shine, there are also...
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    The Taliban regrets to announce:

    REDUCTION IN FORCE MEMO The following government positions have been declared to be superfluous and/or obsolete, and will be eliminated immediately: 1. Minister of Tourism 2. Minister of Culture 3. Air Force Chief of Staff 4. Minister of Agriculture 5. Director of Parks and Recreation 6...
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    Hi Power drop free mag problem

    I removed the mag interlock on my Browning Hi-Power, aided by some good how-to advise here. Can't remember who posted it, and can't find the thread. Removing the interlock also improved the trigger pull, as many people said would happen. But the removal had no effect on another problem, which...
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    Taliban report

    David Hackworth ( has a letter posted on his web site written by a West Point grad who spent 2 years in Afghanistan working with the UN mine program. Very interesting analysis of the situation and the mindset over there. (When the US gave one ethnic group Stingers to fight the...
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    Mr. Civil Libertarian sees the light

    On Geraldo's show tonight, Allen Dershowitz, Harvard law prof and the guy who thinks that no one should own a gun, said that the terrorist attack shows the need for proactive prevention and preemption, including assassination. He said that the govt. knew that Bin Laden was training pilots for no...
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    Clint Smith, snipers on TV Wednesday

    Sixty Minutes II is rerunning their story about police department snipers tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8pm Eastern. The sound bite on the promo tonight was the shot of Clint Smith saying that some people need to be shot. As I remember the story, there were a few minutes showing police snipers taking...
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    Grips for PPK/S

    My PPK/S was always a little uncomfortable for my large hands. Just found replacement grips that make it much more comfortable, and my hand now naturally holds the gun a little lower so that the slide doesn't bite me. Grips are made by Farrar, got them from Ajax Grips. About $25 as I remember...
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    Beretta 96D: Bargain & Mag Question

    I tried to post this on the Beretta Forum, but they are having trouble again. I apologize for any duplication. I bought a Beretta Brigadier 96D with night sights, NIB, at a gun show Friday for $440 plus tax. The dealer told me that it was a Beretta overrun for an INS contract. The box was...
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    VPC takes ultimate action against Ashcroft

    Well, I guess John Ashcroft is a dead duck now. The Violence Policy Center has really brought out its major muscle: they started a web page to keep an eye on Ashcroft.