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  1. O

    Justa thinkin' outloud.....

    I don't have a huge collection of handguns but do have them in .22, .380, 9mm and .45 calibers. I enjoy owning and shooting all of them but when I want one that I can feel fuzzy warm with and cuddle up to for concealed carry, it seems that the .45 is always the pick of the litter. I have a...
  2. O

    1911 Lube....

    Read Grant Cunningham's ( article on gun lubes last week. He doesn't claim to be a lube expert but sure makes a lot of sense. Long story short. I mixed his concoction of ATF-STP 40:60 ratio and placed on my Taurus PT1911 9mm rails yesterday. Took it to the range and it...
  3. O

    My new Taurus PT 1911SS 9mm

    Took it to the range yesterday (200 rounds). Had some FTE's and FTF's the first 150 rounds but seems to be smoothing out. Is failing to lock back on last round but susupicion limp wristing with these 72 year old arthritic wrists!!! Was using Wally World Federal.