Search results

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    700 SPS or Model 10FP?

    I am looking for a cheaper long range gun. I've decided to go with the .308 due to the cheaper guns more selection and the whitetail don't need anything bigger. At a local store here there is a Remington 700 SPS for 550 bucks and a Savage Model 10 FP for 500... Which of these two would better...
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    Rebarreling Project

    I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction in rebarreling a remington 700? Is it pretty easy and what would I need to put it together?
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    Wood Stocks!!!

    I just glass and pillar bedded my ruger 22-250. I free floated it in the proccess but now when it is all said and done the forend is not straight in line with the barrel although it isn't touching it is really close. What caused this? warping? I did this to my 1917 enfield with a sporter stock...
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    Bedding a Rifle

    Hey folks, I want to order some pillars from midwayusa but they aren't coming in anytime soon so I was wondering how could I make my own or where else could I get them? I have googled around but have came up empty. I have a Ruger m77 Mk II in 22-250 and want to pillar and bed
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    Which Rifle?

    I'm looking into a new 7mm Remington Ultra Mag and would like to start saving for it but I'm not sure which gun would be best. I would like to use it for long range target shooting and and long range hunting. I've picked three that think would work for me and I'll include other but if you choose...
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    Hornady Concentricity Gauge?

    So on another post were I have asked a few questions about tighting up my groups we talked about Concentricity Gauges (Tough word to say) and bullet run out. Problem I've come to conclude from these talks is that bullet runout can't be fixed once found. But now after some searches I've seen...
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    Neck Turning Knowledge

    Hey guys, I am looking into doing some neck turning for my 22-250 to try to tighten up the groups even a little more and had the question of what is the best value for product to do this? I've looked at a few tools and they seem to be at around the $50 mark. Is that to be expected and is there...
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    2.5 x 10 Power Hunting Scope

    I have a 6.8mm SPC and am looking to put a different scope on it. I am looking for one like the 2.5 x 10 by 40mm (or 50mm if i can get more light) Nikon Monarch. I was wondering if there are any good scopes that are cheaper out there about the same power and will still let me use it for hunting...
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    What is your favorite Rifle Bullet Company?

    What Rifle bullet company do you like best?
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    6.8mm SPC

    So I've been trying to get a load for my RRA 6.8mm and I haven't dabbed to far into it but would like to know what others have found about it? It shoots 110 gr silver state rounds well (around an inch, not alot of testing just a few groups) but i found bad results using xtermenator powder and...
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    9mm and Clays universal?

    I have a problem with my reloads not chambering the next round and was wondering if anyone using universal has had problems in cold weather? It was -10 and - 15 degrees when they didn't work but at 20 degrees on sunday they worked just find. Someone had mentioned to me that maybe the lub on the...
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    Clays Universal 9mm?

    I had another thread about a month ago asking about loading a 125 lead round nose bullets for my 9mm. I don't know why i didn't think of if before (propli cuz he varget a use in my rifles hands the cold so well) but does anyone know if Universal is temp sensitive? If so what powder is the least...
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    New Remington Pump?

    What do you guys think of Remingtons new 887 synthetic pump shotgun? After reading about it in guns and ammo I have mixed feelings. not sure if i don't like it cuz it is new or cuz of the position of the pump. But why compete against themselves? why not just call it an 870 with a different name...
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    Break in time?

    I got a S&W Sigma around christmas and it fires winchester BES? white box fime but with blazer fmj or lead rn handloads it seems to jam alot. Is this most likely cuz the loads don't have enough power to load the next round? some stove pipping and some don't even come out of the chamber others...
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    New Sigma!!

    So I bought myself a xmas present on christmas eve for $250! :cool: ! and have only got to shoot about 80 rounds through it. (Went to Florida for vaction, 80 degrees there -30 here) I really like it so far, cept for the trigger as everyone says, but it is consistant. Anywho I was just wondering...
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    Winter Shooting

    I'm on my last night in Florida and tomorrow i will be heading back to the frigid landscape of Minnesota with ten below and fourteen inches of new snow. But really what I want to know is. . . Of those of you who live in the north how do you shoot in the winter and what kind of shooting do you...
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    JP Enterprises

    I am going to build a 204 ar and have been looking at the jp barrels. Has anyone had any experince with this company? Either upper, barrel, or whole rifle. Thanks
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    Stuck 6.8 SPC case

    Good Day, I was full lenght sizing new silver state 6.8 mm brass last night in a Lyman die and using Hornady one shot and I had the case rim bend and the shell holder slip off. And it is in there good! I took of the top of the die and still couldn't the the case to push out. So I was wondering...
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    .204 AR

    Just been doing some thinking and was looking into getting a .204 barrel for my AR. Does anyone know where I could get a cheap barrel that is still going to shoot damn well? I would like it in the 24" range and be able to get rid of heat fast (like bull barreled or fluted) not worried about...
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    Barrel Break In

    This has propli been asked before but I couldn't find it using the search option. So I will ask you all again. I have just ordered at 6.8mm SPC upper from Rock River Arms and it came in the mail today. It is a 16 in free floated barrel. I was wondering how you would break in the barrel. shots...