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  1. L

    Will the Constitution be back?

    I heard this back in July, I am not sure how I feel about the Constitution being taken down in our current political climate. National Archives taking Declaration of Independence, Constitution off display July 4, 2001 By CARL HARTMAN...
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    I am dumbfounded

    I have borrowed a Garand from a friend and was going to go out to the range today and try it out. I am certain that I will buy this one from him, but I have decided not to go to the range today. I asked my roommate to tag along and he declined because he had a friend coming over, I know the guy...
  3. L

    Bush Wins 4 to 1

    I just posted this to the Range house but I figured we could be happy here as well. In a small town located in New Hampshire where only 32 people live and they have 27 registered voters. They just announced the results of their election. Bush 21 Gore 5 Nader 1 GO GO GO!!! [This message has...
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    I want to have some posters made up so I called kinkos and they want $15.00 per square foot, that would mean a 3 by 4 poster of the pic below would cost me $180.00. Now that is robbery. I don't want the damn thing that much. I would be willing to pay say $20.00 for it. Who knows maybe I am just...
  5. L

    MMM End game reveald

    This is a local gun show in my "Free State" of Maryland. This local MMM'r reveals the true end game for MMM and the other gun grabbers. The last four paragraphs are telling. THEY @$#%^&* LIE! Gun control group plans to protest by Myra...
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    Minute man coin, SB 2099 and Wal-Mart / Who is behind the rumors?

    Over the past few weeks or so I have noticed that a few things have gotten me off my ars and writing letters and making phone calls more than usual. I did it NOW! Not later. Now don't get me wrong I write a lot of letters and make many phone calls but these got me moving. The first was this SB...
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    Federal Photo ID ?

    What is the big deal i.e. problem with having a national ID card, say a Federal Photo ID?
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    Center Of Mass

    When I shoot at a silhouette target I shoot for the center of mass. I just realized that if I where to get into a gunfight that I would not shoot for the center of mass. I would shoot at the person’s chest, between the nipples. So my very simple question is what do you consider COM?
  9. L

    Warm ****

    Read all of it, trust me you will love it. THE ZEROTH AMENDMENT by L. Neil Smith You may have noticed a bit of fuss the other day about a national opinion poll of high school kiddies -- "young skulls full of mush", as a...
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    Vote For Bush Sign

    I have deciede to go with Bush this year. I want to get a yard sign, where do I go to get one?
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    I wonder how many voters it will draw?
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    Libertarian Question

    I was reading the “ Take the libertarian purity test” post by dz and found it interesting. Now I don’t know much but for the most part libertarians think that people should be responsible for them selves. With that in mind: What I want to know is if we where to repeal something like local...