Search results

  1. S

    Need help in North Texas

    I'm trying to track down a decent gunsmith in my area (North Texas- Denton Area). I have a few inherited guns that are need of some work. I was hoping someone knew a good one.
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    Selling C&R's between states

    I am about to get my C&R. Can two people ,both with c&r's, sell/buy/trade without going through an FFL. I know I can buy from a online dealer and get it shipped right to me, but I'm unsure how it works between regular folks.
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    A pleasant surprise

    I been out of town for a bit and I was pleasantly surprised to see that there is a new place to disuss my new (and growing) addiction. I just requested my C&R forms. So I was thinking about picking up something new when I get approved. I already have an SKS 59/66 and a Mosin M44(russian)...
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    Colt's website

    I guess the title should have really been the lack thereof a good website. Has anyone else noticed how terrible Colt's website is? ( Is there some other Colt website that is hidden from all search engines or is Colt set on distancing itself from as many new customers as...
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    Check out these shirts

    You guys might have seen this site already but for those who have not. I check back monthly so I can see the new stuff and get a good laugh.
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    Sounds too good to be true? North American Hunting Club?

    Anyone familar with this North American Hunting Club. Usually anything I get in the mail gets shredded but this one got me wondering a bit. Didn't know if anyone as had good luck with them or gotten screwed. Sorry if this seems vague. I did that in order to get input from firsthand only and not...
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    Need help in North Texas

    I'm getting sorta sick of going to the range and having to shoot paper targets and follow the no rapid fire rule (which I understand b/c there are tons of morons who can't control their shots). Is there somewhere within an hour or so where I can shoot in private/peace. Public land or something...
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    marlin 36rc

    I'm trying to track down a manual for my marlin 36rc. I got it from my grandfather. Its my 1st lever gun and I have not clue how to disassembly it. I looked on marlin's website to no avail. I thought I could find a free one online but no luck. Any ideas?
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    mosin question

    So I just got my m44 in (Russian 1945) and I'm hoping to mount a scope onto it here fairly soon. I don't want to alter the original condition. What have you guys found that works well (at decent price) that is no drill/tap install?
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    Need a new North Texas range

    I'm trying to find a range around here that 1. allows rapid fire 2. allows FMJ (rifle) 3. has the ablilty to shoot past 100 yards. Anyone got any favorites? I'm pretty much in Denton and already have to drive 45-60 mins to get anywhere decent now.
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    I heard some folks around hear talking about finding 7.62x54 cheap. Just wondering where that is hiding at. Best I found is some surplus Hungarian corrosive light ball at .25 per rd. Everything else is .50-80 per rd.
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    Open Carry Petition for Texas

    Currently open carry in TX is heavily restricted. I found this on They have a petiton going trying to change this.Just wanted to pass this on to my fellow texans.
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    Newb Question

    Newb Question/What the heck is this I'm fairly knowledgable on handguns and do ok with rifles, but I new to shotguns. I was looking into buying one for HD and was checking out mossberg . I saw this type of 500 and didnt know what the hell is on the end of the barrel. I'm assuming its a flash...