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  1. I

    Best Westerns of all time??

    I rarely start threads, especially frivolous ones, but the discussion on "Unforgiven" started me thinking about what we might consider the apex of Western movies. I will watch anything with horses, cowboys, six-guns and Indians. My vote goes to "Lonesome Dove" - a truly epic and harsh 6-hour...
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    EU wants to dump Internet free speech

    EU moves to end Internet free speech With the stinkin' "European Union" as its model, will our own government be coming for us next? If you don't want to follow the link to a Reuters story below, the gist is that the quasilegal "Council of Europe" - mostly super-rich bankers - has decided that...
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    "Superkay Worldwide"

    What the hell is "Superkay Worldwide?" And why is it showing up in place of my Internet Explorer favorites? Virus? Terrorist plot? Anybody else seeing this stupid screen in place of their bookmarks?
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    "Supervillains" now a reality

    Like many here on TFL, I grew up with comic books, James Bond movies and the like, all featuring evil masterminds who weren't necessarily crooks out for monetary gain, but insane fanatics out to create the most misery and chaos possible. Now, in the dawn of the 21st century, it looks like the...
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    No young American deserves to die...

    face-down in the mud of Afghanistan or Iraq. This is the job that fuel-air bombs - and even nukes - were designed to handle. Having considered this since Tuesday, long and hard, I think we need to show some folks what a "jihad" is all about. A show of overwhelming force and retribution, that...
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    My editorial tomorrow on the WTC

    The following editorial will run in the Thursday edition of the Bonner County Daily Bee in Sandpoint, Idaho. I wrote it this morning, after much research on how the WTC hijackings could have happened. I hope the terrible events of yesterday unite Americans, much like World War II did, and do...
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    My reply to my anti-gun, Clinton-loving brother-in-law

    Despite my asking him to stop, my wife's gay brother in Dallas continues to send emails asking for support of anti-gun and "hate crime" legislation and other Democratic party causes. This is my reply to him: Thanks for your interest in sending this to me, but I cannot support such a measure...
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    Anybody eager to live in an economic "superstate?"

    On the heels of U.N. efforts at universal civilian disarmament and the E.U.'s moves to punish countries like Austria that dared to elect someone the P.C. powers-that-be dislike, comes this disturbing report on a plan to end democracy in Europe (such as it is) by some bloated bureaucrat. We...
  9. I

    What the heck is going on?

    Maybe I'm just a dumb Northern Rockies hillbilly, but: 1. I understand the need for a civil tone and moderation on this board, that's why I'm here and not at "the other place," but closing things down at a moment of crisis seemed the epitome of defeatism. 2. I found Bruce in West Oz's comments...
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    Prepare for unrest

    Could this election crisis be the Big Stupid Thing that will plunge this country into economic, social and political chaos? If Gore loses by a razor-thin margin, will the Great Unwashed riot in Chicago, L.A. and other urban hellholes? If Bush similarly loses, will Middle America, and...
  11. I

    Well, you can't blame Idaho for this mess!

    I see snow as far as the eye can see out the window and it's only Nov. 9. You make only $9 an hour for busting your hump up here in the Panhandle. But we voted nearly 70 percent for Bush, Larry Craig is a senator and the state house has only 12 Democrats - and most of them are pro-gun.
  12. I

    Well, you can't blame Idaho for this mess!

    I see snow as far as the eye can see out the window and it's only Nov. 9. You make only $9 an hour for busting your hump up here in the Panhandle. But we voted nearly 70 percent for Bush, Larry Craig is a senator and the state house has only 12 Democrats - and most of them are pro-gun.
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    Secession movements

    Here's a link to an interesting article, which, among other things, mentions the possibility of parts of Cananda splitting-off over gun rights. Personally, I think mega-states - like our own country - do a very poor job of representing and satisifying their citizens from a central capital...
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    New free universal translater

    Use the Dialectizer and set TFL or anything else to "Redneck," "Jive" or "Moron." I take no responsibility!
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    So, let me get this straight - everything is OUR fault?

    Just when I thought it was safe to go to bed without feeling guilty - now I learn it was MY FAULT that a pack of Hutus and Tutsis were running amok with machetes 10,000 miles away on another continent. ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED NATIONS, July 7 — In the broadest investigation of Rwanda’s 1994...