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  1. P

    Please help in finding old thread...

    I remember reading a multi-page thread that was about "lessons learned in the military" or something like that. One of the posts that I remember was about not putting your sub-sandwich in the air horn of the Navy ship, becuase when the Captain decides to blow the horn, the sandwich ends up all...
  2. P

    What rifles are common for 3-gun matches?

    Right now I've got the pistol and the SG covered but I don't have a rifle. I've owned an AR-15 and while it was fun to shoot, it was a pain to clean and I'm not overly impressed with the .223 round. I've not shot a 3-gun match before so I don't know what is typically seen at one. I'm on a...
  3. P

    HELP! I need directions to FAS in Washington

    I'm such a dope sometimes! Some friends and I are going to a handgun match at the Firearms Academy of Seattle tomorrow morning and I can't find the directions.:eek: I know that Marty usually mails a map to his location and I did have one for the TFL shoot there last year but I can't find it...
  4. P

    Request info on old picture

    Sorry for the off-topic post, but I seem to remember seeing a link to a picture of a military transport plane that had been pressure tested to failure. IIRC this was caused by an inattentive ground support person that didn't have a limit pin on their pressure gauge and didn't see the needle...
  5. P

    Left-Handed defense from Driver's Seat

    I just read the thread about the incident with the van blocked in the alley and it got me thinking. (this is a good thing, really...) I drive a Jeep Wrangler with a soft top, so I don't have a lot of physical protection while in my vehicle. I'm also a southpaw and so my holster is pretty well...
  6. P

    Favorite alternative CCW carry?

    ... moved to general pistol forum ... :o
  7. P

    Any Lefties using Righty Bolt actions?

    I'm considering getting a bolt action rifle again, and would like to get your input. I'm a left-hand, left-eye dominant shooter. In the past I've purchased LH style bolt actions so that I could use my left hand to cycle the action. I've been hearing more about people using an "opposite" type...
  8. P

    Need info on Scottsdale, AZ area...

    The wife and I are considering relocating to the Scottsdale area for a number of reasons. Is there anyone on this forum that is familiar with that area? To make this firearms related, I understand that AZ is an open cary state, but how common is this? Are there any gun shows that are held on...
  9. P

    What's a good value in a gun belt?

    I'm in the market for a good gun belt. The flimsy woven leather belt I usually wear just doesn't cut it. Since I usually use a belly band for CCW wear, I don't need one of the really nice double-thick leather belts from the big-name holster mfg's. (need=no, want=YES :D) So, what am I left...
  10. P

    Preperations for my first 3-gun match...

    I'm getting ready for my first 3-gun match in May. I feel that I'm competent in handling/shooting all three of my weapons, but I have no real experience/practice in transitioning between them. I know that every match is different, but can anyone give me an idea of what to expect? Should I...
  11. P

    Concealed carry for women?

    My wife is considering getting her CCL (with my encouragement) and is concerned about "where to put it". She doesn't want to significantly change her wardrobe. Especially if she has to adopt the "baggy" look. She currently owns a Colt Combat Commander and would like to carry this as she is...
  12. P

    Thanks for Mak advice!

    Thanks to everyone who gave their advice on the purchase of a Makarov. At a show this weekend, I was able to do some trading, and picked up a very nice East German Mak! It definately looks like it has a lot more holster wear than shooting wear. The only thing that isn't 99% or better is the...
  13. P

    Purchase tips for first time Makarov buyer?

    I'm getting ready to buy my first Mak this weekend.:D From the research I've done they sound like a good value for a CCW pistol. As a carry pistol, I'll be looking for reliablity and accuracy over appearence. What should I be looking for? What, if anything, should I avoid? I've posted a...
  14. P

    Purchase tips for first time Makarov buyer?

    I'm getting ready to buy my first Mak this weekend.:D From the research I've done they sound like a good value for a CCW pistol. As a carry pistol, I'll be looking for reliablity and accuracy over appearence. What should I be looking for? What, if anything, should I avoid? I've posted a...
  15. P

    Need help w/ inexpensive place to store pistol near front door

    I'm hoping that all of the collective creativity here can help me solve a problem. I live in a relatively quiet neighborhood in a low-crime area, however I don't want to count on the statistics to keep my family and I safe from any two-legged predators. My wife and I are both avid shooters and...
  16. P

    Help - Anyone have experience with NAA Mini?

    A good friend of mine offered to give me his NAA Mini revolver. He bought it for his wife to carry, but neither of them could hit anything with it. He said that the firing-pin on the hammer broke and now it won't fire. Two questions: 1) What kind of accuracy (grouping) can be expected from...
  17. P

    Has anyone switched sides?

    Sorry this is not a political or Second Amendment question, but rather a strong-side / weak-side question. I have shot left-handed all of my life, and am getting ready to purchase my next rifle. I'm interested in an accurate, long-range rifle and am trying to decide if I should go with a...