Search results

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    Badlands Backpacks

    What is your opinion of the Badlands Backpacks and Daypacks?
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    What is your favorite Rifle that you own?

    What rifle do you own, that is your favorite? Also what would it take to make you part with it?
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    What did you do with the Deer you killed?

    Most everyone that Hunted Deer this season had at least some degree of success. What did you do with your Kill? I kept some and gave most of it to others. Do you have an unusual receipt you would share with others?
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    "BUMP" ??

    On the Firearms for sale or trade section I see the Word "BUMP" used often. What is the meaning or purpose of this term? Thanks
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    Deer Season is over,What Now?

    Now that Deer Season is at end in most of the South. What are we going to HUNT now?
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    Burnt Out????

    Is it just me or do you get kind of "BURNT OUT" on the Forums this time of year? It just seems that every topic has been issued to death. If someone does come up with something new its usually A "what if" or something else just as dumb. Maybe its me but I wonder if you have the same issues.
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    Clip Damage

    I would like some opinions or experiences on this. My question is, Will leaving the cartridges in A clip for an extended period of time cause any problems or damage to the clip? Such as weaken the spring(ect) I am speaking of A clip for centerfire rifles.
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    Using A Shooting Stick?

    In real hunting situations what are some advantages or disadvantages of using A shooting stick?
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    What is your favorite 22-250 cal. Cartridge

    What is your favorite 22-250 cal. cartridge? What is the largest game you consider that it can be used for? If you reload what is your favorite load and bullet and what do you use it for?
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    What is your favorite cut of venison?

    What is your favorite cut of venison and how do you prepare it?
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    50mm or 40mm Scope?

    What is the advantage of A 50mm. scope over A 40mm., if any? As to its use on A hunting Rifle.
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    30TC Icon Weathershield

    I just bought A new TC Icon Weathershield in 30TC. Anyone have one? If so, what are your thoughts on this gun. I already have the origional Icon in 30TC and like it A lot. I have not shot the Icon Weathershield but I'm hoping it will be the gun that the origional Icon is.
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    22-250 Cal. for Whitetail

    What do you consider to be the best bullet and Brand of cart. to use when hunting Deer with A 22-250 Caliber Rifle. I would like to hear from hunters that are using this Caliber for this purpose.
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    30 TC Cal. ?

    Is the 30TC. cal. A hit or miss?
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    Just got back from Pike County, Kentucky. An Elk walked across the road in front of us. I didn't even know Kentucky has Elk. Can anyone tell me about this? Thanks for any info.
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    Pick one for me

    I have hunting Rifles in 30-06, 30TC, 243, 44mag, 22-250, 223 and 22mag Calibers. I have the ITCH to buy another one ( you know the feeling). I think I know which rifle I would like but I can't decide the Caliber. I mainly hunt whitetail and varmits and have also been thinking of hunting...
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    What Would you Do?

    You have A standing, Broadside shot at A large Whitetail Buck at seventy yards and you are carrying A 30-06 cal. rifle. You take careful aim and then Fire the shot. The large deer just continues to stand there. What would you do next?
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    TC Encore won't fire

    I bought A new TC Encore with A 30-06 Barrel (Stainless). I mounted A new 3x9x50mm Nikon scope on it. The gun sat in the safe for about one year. I got it out and decided to sight it in. When I decided to fire it for the very first time ever, Guess What? It misfired. I tried three different...
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    Only one Rifle,what would it be?

    If you could own only one hunting rifle, What would be your choice and Why? I think I would choose A Thompson Center Icon bolt action in 243 Cal. because it would be A good all around caliber. The Icon is also A very well made,very accurate rifle with all the features I would want.
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    Why Climb for Whitetail?

    Sometimes I climb(with A climbing stand of course ot somtimes into A permanent box or ladder stand). When I hunt on the ground(don't climb) I seem to do just as well as I do when I climb. I have friends that will not hunt unless they can be in high stands. What is the advantage of climbing...