Search results

  1. G

    What do you want in an indoor range?

    Question #2 - What would you be willing to pay to shoot livefire FATS style scenarios?
  2. G

    Hardest handgun to shoot well?

    I just came back from the range where my favorite guns reminded me just how nasty they are to shoot with full power defensive ammo. I loves me my J Frames (649 & 442) but they are bruttish little critters when fed raw meat. The closest to this level of self abuse I've ever come was .357Sig...
  3. G

    Who makes Leather holsters for G22 w/light

    Anybody know of a holster maker who makes a good leather pancake or similar for a Glock with a light attached. It must be leather! No Plastic, No Serpa, No Kydex!!! Cows must die to satisfy me!!!
  4. G

    Unorthodox Positions

    How many of you practice shooting from unorthodox positions? By unorthodox I mean flat on your back, half upside down under barricades etc. Give good descriptions and your reasoning please.
  5. G

    Open Carry Vs. Concealed Carry

    I've noticed that there seem to be many folks here that dislike the idea of open carry. The reasons cited are usually 1 a perceived loss of the element of surprise, 2 gun grabbers (not political but physical), 3 scaring the sheep, 4 getting hassled by the cops. Having carried both open and...
  6. G

    Best Technique Ever for 2 Eyes Open Shooting

    Please excuse the hyperbole. Hopefully I will not make too much of an ass of myself with this post. There seems to have been much discussion of 2 eyes open shooting lately with many good posts discussing its virtues and difficulties. Those of us who are accomplished 2 eyes shooters know all...