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  1. S

    Kimber UC II recoil springs...

    No problems at all with mine, but I know eventually I'll have to replace it...just want to get some in the parts bin. I have plenty for all my 5", but none for the shortys. Would like to hear from owners what brands seem to work best, as well as any to steer clear of...thanks in advance.
  2. S

    Importance of training

    This is an old video, but stresses the importance of training. This man sacrificed a lot, but he's alive. It's 10 minutes long, but worth the time IMO. He simply chose not to be a victim.
  3. S

    Revolving rifle?

    Anyone remember who manufactured a .357 revolving rifle? I would like to find one...if they haven't gotten outrageous on the prices. Not the Colt, I already know they cost big bucks. Was trying to remember who made a modern version.
  4. S

    .22LR conversion kit for all my 1911's?

    I have several full size 1911's, and was wondering if someone made a kit to fit all the frames. I have one built on a AMT, a High Standard, a RIA, a race gun build on a Springer, and a Sistema Colt on the way. I've never purchased a .22 conversion kit before, and want to hear the pros and cons...
  5. S

    The Genius of Congress...

    This is one of the dumbest things I've seen them do in the name of energy "conservation". Take just 5 minutes to watch this, and tell me if you think this will do one bit of good.:rolleyes: