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  1. D

    Purchasing a shotgun for skeet shooting

    Recently, I decided to buy a used shotgun for skeet shooting with friends (maybe one day I would move to hunting as well). After looking in stores around me I found three choices I like, all of them used. -Ithaca Featherlight $340 (decent condition with some marks and wear) -Browning (I think...
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    Ruger SR556E vs. New Colt Ar-15

    Hello, I am looking to get my first AR-15. Recently I found two that I really like. One is a Colt AR-15 (does say M4 on the receiver) that is the newer configuration, and the other is a Ruger SR556E. The Ruger is a piston and the Colt is a DI. Both are around $1,285. Which would you...
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    An interesting interview with a gun-loving Democrat.

    Here is an article that I read today that is an interview of Dan Baum, a left-leaning author of a new book called Gun Guys: A Road Trip. He leans left in his politics, but has loved guns since he was a child...
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    Glock 17 Gen 4 vs. Glock 22 Gen 4

    I need some advice. I love Glocks (and other guns too), and own a Glock 19 (my favorite gun and primary carry) and a Glock 26. I have always been partial to 9mm and .45 auto; I carry 9mm and have a .45 as my HD gun. Recently, I saved up enough cash to buy a Glock 17 Gen 4. I love the Glock...
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    9mm vs .357 SIG

    I was checking out different models of Glocks and was looking at 9mm and .357 SIG, Glock described the .357 SIG as a round that was good even at medium range. I looked at ballistics tests and found out that the .357 SIG is a bit more powerful than the 9mm. Why isn't the .357 SIG much more...
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    My Colt Combat Commander XSE

    While at the local gun shop in December I spotted a Colt Combat Commander XSE for $725. I immediately put it on lay away and saved up enough cash to pay for it at the end of January. This is my first 1911, and I was very excited. My first trip to the range I put 100+ rounds through it. It...
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    Guns in airport terminals Here is a link to an msn article about carrying guns in airport terminals. Of course, they are trying to arouse fear about the idea. I have only been carrying for about 7 months now, but I am glad that I can carry when I travel...
  8. D

    Kahr P9 or Glock 26 or another?

    I am starting to get into concealed carry. Right now I own a Glock 19 and like it a lot. I have been carrying regularly for almost a month now and no one has noticed, not even my wife. Even though I have been pretty succesful so far, I find that my G19 sticks out a little sometimes, and I...
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    Kahr P9 or CW9

    I got my PA Concealed Carry Permit last Saturday, and went and bought a holster for my Glock 19 on Monday. Immediately went and tried out my concealed carry at Wal Mart and enjoyed it though I was nervous. While at the store buying a holster, I held a Kahr P9. I loved it, and I think the...
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    A car break-in in progress

    I don't know if this is the right column to post this in, but it can always be moved. My brother and sister-in-law live in Indiana. Neither has or carries a gun. This is a true story from three months ago. At this point in time my sister-in-law, who is a nurse was eight months pregnant...
  11. D

    Glock Accessories?

    Hi. This is my first post on this board, though I have been reading for several months now. Just to tell you all a little bit about myself, I am a pastor who moved to PA back in September. I have loved guns all my life, but never got anything but a bb gun. My wife hates guns because her...