Search results

  1. E

    Questioning the "double-tap"

    This might belong under "Tactics", but it is a very shotgun-specific issue. I recently took a Defensive Shotgun course. It was very helpful, but I've had time to sit back and ponder some of the things we did. We did a lot of training with controlled pairs and hammered pairs. I'm starting to...
  2. E

    The popular vote -- let's clear this up

    Anyone who really knows about this stuff, please jump in here with corrections or confirmation. I've been doing a little checking into this whole popular vote business. There's a few points that the Gore campaign and, apparently, the press doesn't want America to know. From what I've read and...
  3. E

    870 + SureFire = 1 Muzzle-heavy shotgun

    I've done some searching but nothing really seems to cover this particular topic. I am happy with my 870 Express Magnum HD. I'm also a big believer in having light handy for defensive use, so I sprang for a SureFire fore-end. So far, so good. My only whine is that my handy, natural-balancing...