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    Seeking some scope insights...

    I have a friend who has a 6" Smith & Wesson 686 Plus revolver. (You may already know that this is the stainless, seven-shot .357 Magnum model.) He loves it, and has expressed an interest in putting a pistol scope on it to be able to do some hunting. I thought I would see what I can find out to...
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    A hobby that saves a ton!

    Yesterday I reached the 30,000 round count on bullets that I've loaded since I began reloading in February 2008. I wasn't into casting the first year or so, but have cast the last 17,000 bullets or so. This morning I looked through my log book and added up what I've loaded thus far. (The...
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    Desiring to shoot a SIG .45 in San Antonio area

    I've recently developed an interest in SIG pistols and have been reading about different models. I'm hoping to find someone in the greater San Antonio area who would allow me to shoot a few rounds through their SIG .45. If you are interested in helping me in this quest, please drop me a PM...
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    Like I've done many times before, I went to the garage this morning to load up some 230 gr .45 rounds on my meager single-stage press. I charged 50 cases, seated the first bullet, seated the 2nd bullet... and sort of subconciously thought "Wait a second. Something isn't quite right here..."...
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    .38 Special "Extended"

    A couple of years ago I tinkered around a bit with loading up some .38 Special loads into .357 cases. "Why would you do that?", you might be thinking. Well, you know how when you shoot .38 Special ammo in a .357 revolver, you end up with that grungy, nasty "ring" inside each chamber. If you...
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    Talk about being surprised!

    About four months ago at the range I go to, I began shooting bowling pins at 25 yards freehand. (This was when using several of my handguns.) It didn't take long before 25 yards was not much of a challenge, so I moved them out to 50 yards. The best that I've done is to knock down 4 pins in a...
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    Smallest .45 being made?

    I recall having seen a chart somewhere that depicts lots of small guns. Seems like they were mostly .380 and 9mm. Just wondered whether anyone has seen such a chart for the .45s that are out there? Thanks! :D Yoosta B. Blue
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    Not sure about this...

    I scrounged around and picked up a bunch of .380 brass this morning at the range, and the brand is AMERC. I've never seen it before, so did some searching on here. Seems there are lots of negative threads about AMERC. Is this stuff not reloadable at all, or is the deal that it's just not as...
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    A favorite that's still a favorite...

    It's been a while since I've taken my SP-101 to the range. It's one of my carry guns and I keep it near at night for home protection. I have utter confidence in the weapon if ever needed in a crisis situation. Today I put 150 rounds of .38 Special through it. Ya gotta love those nice crisp...
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    A homemade demooning tool...

    I'm just getting my feet wet with the use of moon clips as I enjoy my new S&W 625-8. What a wonderful gun! A good and helpful friend loaned me a demooning tool until I could procure one. As the thought processes kicked in, I decided that an old unused golf club might come to the fore. Pun...
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    Thinking of buying a .22 rifle...

    I have a grandson who is at the age that a nice .22 rifle would make a suitable birthday present coming up. Though I'm a handgun nut, you could put what I know about rifles into a thimble and have plenty of room left over. ;) I'm not interested in buying him a high-end weapon, but I'd like to...
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    Thrilled in Texas!

    I've just bought a S&W 625JM revolver, picking it up from my FFL last Saturday. For those who may not know, this model is a Stainless (bead-blasted) six-shot .45 ACP, and mine has a 4" barrel. In my estimation, it is a beautiful gun in every way. I've now run 175 rounds through it, and I have...
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    Revisions done on Smith 625JM

    Folks, maybe you can offer some help. I just took delivery of my new S&W 625JM yesterday, and I am really thrilled with what I see! (It will be later this week before I can shoot it, but I anticipate a wonderful experience.) I note that my gun is model 625-8 and I have pondered a bit on that...
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    Relative power and recoil

    I've been thinking that my next gun will be a 44 Magnum. (Today I shot a friend's S&W 629, shooting both 44 Special and 44 Magnums in it.) It was a great experience for me and I'm glad that I was able to do so... A very sweet gun. A year or so ago, I had the opportunity to shoot a friend's...
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    Some very welcome news!

    I was just at my local Walmart (in NE San Antonio, TX) to check the ammo they had on hand. Struck up a conversation with the Dept. Mgr. He said that they are soon going to be stocking reloading components there. He didn't go into detail as to just what all might be involved, but even so, I'm...
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    Considering the purchase of a 44 Mag Revolver

    When I was in the Marine Corps several decades ago, I was stationed a while on Okinawa. While there, I purchased a Ruger Blackhawk 44 Magnum. (Maybe that should be Super Blackhawk, I can't remember.) I shot it as much as I could afford to shoot at the base range. Not long after I returned...
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    Incomplete ignition of primer?

    I've been reloading a couple of years and have a routine that I follow closely each time I load up a batch. I started out with (and am still using) a single stage press. I always use a flashlight to look in each casing before I start the process of seating the bullets. The other day a friend...
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    Reloading Wolf cases...

    Hey Guys, I went to the range this morning and had a great time with my shooting buddy. In the process of picking up the brass that I was interested in keeping, I picked up a bunch of pinkish-copper colored Wolf .380 brass. (I've never seen any of this stuff before today.) My first thought is...
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    OK. I'm crying "Wolf!"

    Indeed, we live and we learn, don't we? A few months ago I did some digging around on the Internet and found that lots of folks are pleased with Wolf primers. In fact, I saw one fellow say something about how his group had used many thousands of them without a single failure to fire. I went...
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    Ya gotta love it!

    I ran down to the range for an early morning shoot yesterday. I began shooting soon after it got good light, and I enjoyed shooting my Beretta PX4 .45 as well as I ever have. After I finished shooting and packed up my gear, I browsed around the area, looking for any worthwhile brass to pick...