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  1. O

    Phone calls at a gun shop

    As some of you know, my lil' retirement job is a p/t gig at a local fairly large gun shop. For the most part, I really enjoy it, and it offers a whole lot less stress than what I dealt with when I had a real job. It's nice knowing that a small mistake at work will not result in perhaps getting...
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    Anyone know what happened to Park Cities Tactical?

    Anyone know what happened to Park Cities Tactical website, home of the HK P7 Cult? The site's been down for several days, sorta miss getting my P7 fix there.
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    First week at the gunshop...

    Just finished my first stint at a local gunshop this week. It's my 'retirement job', 3 days a week. I had no idea Saturdays would be that busy. Guns and ammo going out the door like it's FREE. Really enjoyed it, the family that owns/runs it are super folks. Strong and loyal customer base...
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    CCW-related Craigslist Ad

    This is supposedly an actual ad placed in Craigslist. I thought it was funny..... ______________ _________________ _________________ To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown (Downtown, Savannah >> ) >>> >>> Reply to: [?] >>> Date: 2009-01-06, 3:43AM EST...
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    CCW and 'good' shoot

    Sorta long, but a good interview and very interesting story:
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    A 'sort of' 1911 in 9mm

    Guess I'm just a little proud of myself for figuring this out (doesn't take much, huh?) ALL my reloading stuff is packed up and gone while the wife and I attempt to show and sell the house in preparation for a hoped-for move. A buddy and I, both retired ol' lawdogs that worked together, like to...