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  1. M

    Anyone know of forward mounted scope rail for an M1a with a national match barrell?

    I was wanting an M1a for the longest time and was trying to find either a scout squad or the standard model when a Loaded model with the heavier contour National Match barrel fell into my lap via a friend of a friend, for a price that was too good to pass up. Now I'm looking to mount a leupold...
  2. M

    Hasty sling and GI web sling, What exactly are they and whats the difference?

    I've got the feeling I'm in serious newby territory here, but can someone give me an example of each and 'splain them to me. I'm specificly interested in what I need to put on my new M1a for an Appleseed shoot at some point. Is it the same as the 1 and 1/4"' "military sling", (adjusts via...
  3. M

    Now even us marlin lever owners can get in on the tactical craze

    Guys, I can't make a link work because this thing doesnt have its own page yet, but check out the, and wait for the revolving banner at the top to reveal, are you ready...The new MARLIN LEVER ACTION TACTICAL TRI-RAIL FOREND. Looks like I'll be soon be hitting the deer woods with a...
  4. M

    What happened to Colt handguns?

    I was 21 or 22 when colt anounced they were getting out of the civilian market and back then a. I wasn't much of a shooting enthusiast and b. I didn't read the wall street journal so fill me in on the demise of colt. I didn't really care until I handled a Python yesterday at a pawnshop and...