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  1. J

    Rewarded for Ruby Ridge?
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    Brady Folks Worried about the AW Ban?

    It would seem so. I just got this tonight via email: Jeap, with your support, together we will build a communist Amerika ;) Sensible gun laws? You mean like Switzerland right? :cool:
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    Libya to Head Up UN Human Rights Comission....

    Just like Hitler heading up the "We Love the Jews Comission" ;) Does anyone doubt that the UN is anti american and serves no useful purpose anymore?
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    Sickening UN Elitists Gorge As Africans Starve
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    New book gives shot in the arm to gun lobby!

    Yee HAW :D
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    Forced Drugging Okay'd by Court?

    Make of this what you will:
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    Heads up, Rosie O'Donnel to appear on O'Reily....

    Bill the Statist annouced tonight he will be interviewing Rosie O on his Monday night show. One of the topics will be 'guns'. I think this will be a must watch. So wanted to let you all know.
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    Senate Passes Incumbent Protection Bill...

    via email today:
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    For the CO Crew: More CCW info....

    Released today:,1299,DRMN_37_1039570,00.html I can hardly wait to see the bill, and see all the compromises and restrictions that it will impose that the present scheme does NOT ;)
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    UN Seizure of US Land....
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    Campaign Finance DEForm.... Yahoo, I get the first post :D This my friends, is a red level alert, make no mistake about it. Our ability to criticize anti-freedom pols will be curtailed if this bill passes. Then it will be in the hands of Dan Rather. Who here thinks he will live up to...
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    Shadow Government Plan in place after 9/11
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    The Nice Men in Black Ski Masks.....,1299,DRMN_21_995654,00.html Brought to you by the War on Some Drugs/US Constitution ;) No warrants eh? Hrm, I'm shocked :rolleyes:
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    Arizona Gunkit Maker Bob Stewart Found Guilty by Jury

    Judge Declares Him "Dangerous to Society" and Locks Him Up Until Sentencing by Angel Shamaya January 23, 2002 PHOENIX, Arizona ( — What began as an undercover operation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in April 2000 concluded with a "guilty" verdict from an...
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    Senators Use Fear of Terrorism To Push Gun Control.... :barf:
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    Bush's War on Guns?

    Hrm.... TRANSLATION: Unconstitutional laws against gun ownership will be enforced, and if you are caught exercising your rights as a human being, we'll see you are locked up. More federal records on gun purchases and ownership...
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    Which Harris Bipod for Savage 10FP?

    Hi all, I just bought a new 10FP today in .308, and am thinking about getting a Harris Bipod for it. However they seem to make a lot of different models. Rifle will be used for varmits/targets/tactical shooting. Which model do you reccomend and why? Thanks! :D
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    Bush Sr. in buisiness with Bin Laden family....

    I don't quote know what to say, as a republican/constitutionalist, but here ya go. This is a real confidence builder :barf: For those of you that aren't familiar with Judicial Watch, they are a conservative group that spent years trying...
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    Saved by the Militia....