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  1. F

    Why we support Palin -- We're rednecks (said with respect)

    I've read the relentless liberal attacks on Palin. While I am no mccain fan, I do take umbrage at these attacks on Palin. I think the reason why is two fold... 1. I dislike the hypocrisy of liberals who claim to be for women's rights while attacking a historic choice for a woman as a GOP VP...
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    Man kills burglar with his own gun,2933,417122,00.html This is one tough family. The woman fought off the burglars and called for her husband who disarmed one of the burglars and then shot him with the burglars own gun. I sent this article to my wife who is afraid of guns. This is the main...
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    Shot my Mosin yesterday -- Ouch!

    I took my Mosin (M44) to the range with me yesterday. I bought it a couple of months ago and this was my first opportunity to fire it. I have heard that they have a good bit of recoil to them, so I mentally prepared myself.... or so I thought. My first shot.... Kabloom.... the darned rifle...
  4. F

    Feds execute "pre-emptive raid" on RNC protestors

    Read the following story. What do you think about our government taking an extra step by raiding an organization with guns drawn, even before they have been to a demonstration. BTW, the police found no weapons or bombs, even though the search warrant said that was what they were seeking. My...
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    SKS Conversion (Tapco) with Pics

    I have finished converting my Chinese SKS using the Tapco Fusion system composite stock and Sec 922r compliance parts. I also purchased a 20 round Tapco removable magazine. After successfully testing the rifle function with the 20 round magazine at the range, I decided to purchase more Tapco...
  6. F

    Mosin Nagant Head Space Question

    I have a Mosin Nagant M44 built in 1945. She is in good shape, barrel is very clean and rifling is in good shape. It was suggested to me to check the head space before I fired it so I purchased a No-Go and Field gauge. Since the gauges I purchased require the extractor pin to be removed from...
  7. F

    Where to buy an SKS trigger group?

    I am having a difficult time finding SKS trigger groups for sale online. I've checked Google and a few places I usually visit, but it seems this is a rare item. If anyone knows of a good SKS parts shop online, please pass the web address along. Thanks.
  8. F

    Recommend a .223 rifle under $600.00

    I have decided that I would like to purchase a rifle calibered in .223. Usage? Preparedness... crap hits the fan scenario basically... I have got an SKS, an M44 Mosin and a 9mm Hi-Point. I would like to vary my rifle calibers in case ammo availability would ever be an issue. I will also be...
  9. F

    Is this a good price for a Mauser?

    Is this a good price for this M-24. It says it is a rebuild. Should that affect the price up or down? Price: $189.99 Manufacturer: ROMANIAN Manufacturer Item #: RI1063-X Rebuilt post war variant of M-24 rifle. Hardwood stock. 5-rd. box magazine...
  10. F

    Suggestions for Sub-Compact (small) conceal carry weapon

    My first sub-compact for conceal carry was a Taurus PT145, but it seems very picky about the ammo I use in it and I have had more than 1 failure to feed. I decided to send the recoil spring back to Taurus at their suggestion, but before I do, I want to pickup another gun for conceal carry...
  11. F

    SKS Conversion Kit

    I came across a conversion kit for the SKS by Tapco that turns this..... into this..... Details of the kit are at Have any of you guys used this particular kit to convert your SKS? Is it difficult? Does it require...
  12. F

    Which rifle should I purchase?

    Gun show is coming to town in 6 weeks. I've saved up about $800.00 and will hopefully have about $1,200 when it gets here. I want to buy a nice rifle. I once owned an Egyptian Maadi AK47 and I loved to shoot that weapon. There is something about the simplicity of it. When I bought it, I...
  13. F

    What do you think about the shape of the US economy?

    The government says that we are not technically in a recession. Warren Buffet, the most successful investor in the US, says, yes, we are in a recession. So, how is your personal economic situation? Are things better for you this year? Worse? Unchanged in the last 12 months? Take into...
  14. F

    McCain Advisor Resigns: "I will not work against Obama"

    Now... this story is bizarre. A top McCain advisor, Mark McKinnon, has resigned from the McCain campaign because he vowed some months ago to not work against Barack Obama. In Mr. McKinnon's own words, "Mr. Obama’s election to the presidency would send a great message to the country and the...
  15. F sues Stone Mountain State Park

    Just got this in an email today... A little background.... GCO (Georgia Carry Organization) is a non-profit membership based organization that fights for the rights of Georgia citizens to keep and bear arms and to lawfully conceal carry. They have been responsible for several lawsuits over...
  16. F

    Showing weakness in mid-east will only get us this....

    Guys, antipas shut down the other thread about this issue because of inflammatory remarks so let's tone it down so we can discuss this in a civil manner. This issue of the Colonel in Iraq kissing the Koran is very important. I say this because a new story has come out where an Iraqi Islamic...
  17. F

    US General apologizes for using Koran for target practice

    Seems some Iraqi Muslims were protesting because they found a copy of a koran riddled with bullets on a firing range. Apparently, a US soldier had shot at the koran and someone scribbled offensive language inside. The soldier was disciplined and ordered to leave Iraq. Our military leaders...
  18. F

    Dutch cartoonist arrested for insulting Islam... In Holland

    Can you believe this story? A Dutch cartoonist was arrested by the Dutch government for insulting Islam with his cartoons. I guess the Dutch really do believe that Islam will prevail one day and they don't want to piss off their new masters. :rolleyes...
  19. F

    McCain to deliver a speech outlining his vision for combating global warming

    Just read an article about McCain and a speech he will be giving on combating global warming. When I finished, I realized more than ever that McCain is continuing to sell-out the conservative base by appealing to those who believe in this global warming theory which I and many other...
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    Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

    Bob Barr has officially entered the presidential race as a Libertarian. The former Republican says that important conservative issues are being ignored by the other candidates in the race. If you consider yourself a conservative or a republican, or if you typically vote for republicans, will...