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  1. S

    Ah, wonderful, wonderful Illinois...

    I'm not sure if this has already been posted, but a democratic rep is attempting to pass a law mandating gun owners in our fascist state must maintain a $1 million liability insurance policy. If you're caught without said policy, your FOID card is revoked and all of your guns are then illegal...
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    Newbie & deer steaks

    Hey all, I've never hunted before and haven't really had any venison outside of salami and deer "sticks." One of the firefighters at my department was nice enough to leave some deer meat in the freezer at the department and I brought some home. I've got a few frozen packages labeled "deer round...
  3. S

    Any hope for my M44?

    Hi all. I have an M44 that I received as a gift about 6 years ago. It's probably had about 50 or so rounds (corrosive, I'm sure -- milsurp) through it since I've had it. Never been thoroughly cleaned. Now that I'm into guns, I wonder if it's too late my my ol' M44. What should I do to truly get...
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    Dad's old shotties -- Any info?

    Hey everyone, I usually stick to handguns and rifles, and I'm not familiar with shotguns, so I could use some input. I'm just wondering if you all have any info on two shotguns that my dad has. The first was purchased when he was 13 (1957). It's a Mossberg model 185K-B 20ga bolt action. There...
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    New to gun ranges

    Hey everyone, I've been invited by a buddy of mine to head out to the range sometime for some pistol and short-range rifle shooting. I was wondering if you all have any advice, tips, or maybe even an instructional web page about range etiquette. I'm fairly experienced with guns, as I regularly...
  6. S

    Time to buy my second pistol

    Hey everyone, I've got a big decision on my hands. I've got about a $350 budget, and I'm looking to buy my second pistol. I currently only have a Kel-tec P11 9mm. I truly do like the gun, but the trigger pull, as many of you know, is horrendous. The first shot isn't too bad, but follow-up shots...