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  1. P

    Semi-autos, a rant and request

    Those who frequent THR might recall I've posted on this subject in the past but with the resurrection of TFL, I thought I'd get the message out again. Semi autos have a lot going for them when it comes to clay shooting. Light on recoil, lower in cost than o/us of comparable quality and...
  2. P

    Determining Parallax on a Leupold Scope

    How would I determine the parallax setting on a Leupold Compact 2.5x scope that I acquired in a recent trade. I know that Leupold has made them to be parallax free at shorter distances for shotguns but also made them for longer ranges as well. Is there an easy way to determine where the...
  3. P

    Questions about Remington 6-1/2 Primers

    At a gun auction I successfully bid on an assortment of reloading components. Among the lot were 2 thousand Remington 6-1/2 primers. When I checked the manuals the only loads for them were for the .22 Hornet. My questions are: What is it about this particular primer that restricts it to...
  4. P

    Tampa/St. Pete's area gun stores

    I'm spending some time in Tampa/St. Pete's later this week. Any good shops/rental ranges/sporting clay ranges, etc. worth checking out?
  5. P

    Eye and Ears....Do you use them while shotgunning?

    At our regular Thursday night trap shooting, I noted that several shooters weren't wearing eye and/or ear protection. Frankly, I think a person is foolish not to wear both. I've had shot bounce back and hit me while shooting sporting and been hit by pieces of target while shooting skeet. At...
  6. P

    Spring Cleaning and a Quandary

    Decided to thin the collection recently so out went a trap gun that wasn't getting much use, a semi-auto shotgun a friend of mine wanted and a rifle. They went for reasonable prices and I'm left with a not unreasonable bankroll to spend on a shotgun(s). Currently, I have a trap gun, an...
  7. P

    A Close Call

    This is a hard post for me to write but I'm doing so in hopes of sharing an experience that someone else might learn from. It's a story about as close as I've ever come to a serious accident with a shotgun. No one was hurt but even thinking about it still gives me the willies. Recently, a...
  8. P

    Need some advice

    After years of toting around my Tikka for small game and varmints I traded it in for a .223 Sako 75. As much as I liked that Tikka, the Sako is a fine piece of work. The trouble is that I haven't been able to get to the range to break it in because of the snow and ice. Until I do I'm thinking...
  9. P

    Hull Ettiquette

    What are the rules/practices where you shoot regarding hulls. At some clubs, the rule is that the instant the empty shell hits the ground it is the property of the club. At some clubs recently I've noted signs saying "Please pick up your hulls." Hull picking can certainly slow down a round and...
  10. P

    Unwanted Shooting Advice?

    How do you handle receiving unwanted advice while shooting clays? A few weeks ago, a friend of mine handed me an weathered leg of mutton case that held a gun given to him several years ago by his grandfather. My friend admitted he didn't know much about guns and wanted to know if it was safe...
  11. P

    Steel Buckshot

    Most HD guns are choked cylinder or improved modified and often give pretty wide patterns with standard lead buckshot at 25 yards. However, what about harder buckshot, even steel, to makes those patterns tighter? I know that the Federal LE low recoil buck is copperplated and the combination of...
  12. P

    Rubber Buckshot?

    Recently came across some 00 rubber buckshot made by Sellier and Bellot and was wondering if it was a good non-lethal choice for running off troublesome dogs. Where I live we occasionally have aggressive dogs running loose. I am hesitant to shoot lead at a dog that is wearing a collar...
  13. P

    Ever had a fail to fire with factory shotgun ammo?

    Dave McC's post on ammo rotation and an incident last weekend prompted this question. While shooting a round of skeet, another shooter on the squad had a fail to fire. The factory ammo was in good condition with the exception of an apparently dead primer. Several attempts in a couple of guns...
  14. P

    Choke -- A Dime and a Shotgun

    In another post, it was mentioned that a dime will tell you whether your choke is full or not. If the dime goes in the choke it is less than full, if it doesn't the opposite is true. Or at least that's the theory. So I measured 5 American dimes and the average width is .704 inches -- ranging...
  15. P

    Federal Tactical Loads: Att. Erick

    In your post on the closed thread about apartment ammo you noted a difference between the different lots of Federal Tactical, specifically those marked LE132 and H132. What are the differences and which do you recommend? I recently came across a store selling the LE132 for a very attractive...
  16. P

    Shooting glasses and ear protection

    Do you use either while bird hunting? I prefer my target orange glasses when upland bird hunting. It helps me see the birds better particularly when hunting ruffed grouse in deep woods. Generally, I don't use hearing protection but know some who do. I like to be able to hear what's going on...
  17. P

    Mannlichers and Accuracy

    Over the years I recall reading that rifles with Mannlicher-type stocks are lacking in accuracy. Can anyone dispel or support this myth with personal experience? I like the way the full stock looks but have always hesitated buying one because of the accuracy rumors.