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  1. T

    About IE 6 & This Site.

    I recently tried to get on to the firing line with IE 6 and it won't let me in . I have it book marked and also tried to type in the address. Says it can't find the address. Is anyone else having this kind of trouble and is there a solution?
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    1911 Forum????

    Has anyone heard what's happening with the 1911 Forum? Are they gonna be back, or are they KAPUT?
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    Happy New Year To All!

    A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to Everyone here at the Firing Line. All the best in 2002!
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    Is the 1911 Forum Down???

    Is the 1911 Forum down? Every time I try to go there it says I don't have permission to be there. Does anyone know what's going on there? Thanks for any light you might be able to shed.
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    Free paper targets??

    I used to have the address for a place online where you could print out copies of paper targets for free. I can't find it now, and was wondering if anyone had that address available. Thanks you for any help you can give me.
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    Does anyone know who the new President is???????????

    Have they figured out who the new President is going to be yet? If so who is it. Enquiring minds want to know!!! ------------------ ***Torpedo*** It's a good life if you can survive it!
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    Bush wins!!!! Why???

    I'd like to think that Bush won because pro gunners got out and voted. If that's the case, I'm thankful to all who helped to make it happen. Thanks! ------------------ ***Torpedo*** It's a good life if you can survive it!
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    Gun Chats???

    Are then any good gun chat rooms out there in cyberspace? If so where can I find them? Thanks all. ------------------ ***Torpedo*** It's a good life if you can survive it!
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    What happened to Pachmayr Grips sight?

    I've been trying for the last few days to get on to the Pachmayr site. Does anyone know why it's down. They haven't gone outta business have they??? If you have any info I would appreciate it. Thanks. ------------------ ***Torpedo*** It's a good life if you can survive it!
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    How to get a CCW

    Someone posted a sight where you could get the info on getting a CCW in any state. Could you repost the URL for me. Thanks! ------------------ ***Torpedo*** Life is great if you can survive it!
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    What is your favorite defensive load?

    What is your favorite defensive load? Strictly for self defense. ------------------ ***Torpedo*** Life is great if you can survive it!
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    Thanks to all at TFL!

    Just wanted to thank all the members of TFL. I enjoy this forum very much and I appreciate the way you all contribute what you have to the forum. Haven't had this much fun in a dogs age! I'm glad to be a part of this form. ------------------ ***Torpedo*** Life is great if you can survive it!
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    Para LDA .45 to .45 Super?

    Could a Para-Ordinance .45 Cal. be upgraded to the .45 Super. I know they do it to Single actions but can it be done to a double action gun? Just wondering. ------------------ Torpedo ( Life is great if you can survive it!)
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    What States have the least restrictive carry regulations?

    What States have the least restrictive carry regulations? I live in New York State and it's a bear to get a permit here. ------------------ Torpedo ( Life is great if you can survive it!)
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    .45 Mags - Who's are best?

    I keep hearing that a lot of problems with .45's are associated with inferior magazines. Who make the best mags out there these days. Just so folks who don't have much experience get some names to work with. ------------------ Torpedo ( Life is great if you can survive it!)
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    .45 Super - Questions

    Anyone know anything about the .45 Super? Is it better than a regular .45? Just curious about it. ------------------ Torpedo ( Life is great if you can survive it!)
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    If you could only own one handgun?

    If you could only own one handgun what would it be? What ammo would you use and why? I'm sure it's been asked a hundred times but I'd like to see what's the most popular combo and why. ------------------ Torpedo ( Life is great if you can survive it!)
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    Para-Ordinance 14-45 LDA- Comments?

    Does anyone have any comments on the Para_Ordinance 14-45 LDA? Just curious if anyone has any experience with this piece and if so, what your thoughts are on it.