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  1. J

    Va gun control bills heard tomorrow, contact your delegate!

    From VCDL: Click link to send a pre-written, but editable, email to your Delegate (system automatically figures out who that is based on your address). It also will give you the phone number for your Delegate. Please email AND call them. Five gun-control bills are headed to committee tomorrow...
  2. J

    VA Alert!! Contact your legislators!!!

    Looks like Northam is putting together a special session in Aug to finish off his rights ban! See action item from VCDL. 2. Action item: Have you contacted your legislators about no gun-control during the Special Session of the General Assembly in August? I am repeating yesterday's action item...
  3. J

    VA-ALERT: Action Item: Turnout Needed for Protest at Alexandria City Hall on Saturday!

    Below is from VCDL. As with the sanctuary events, we all need to be there! THE ISSUE The City of Alexandria is moving forward with public comment and a vote on a proposed ordinance to ban guns completely in government buildings, parks, recreation and community centers, and at permitted events...
  4. J

    Contact your Va legislator now!!

    Generally assembly plans to introduce ban bills this Monday. Contact your reps now!! From VCDL Late into Friday afternoon, suddenly a bunch of really bad gun bills were put on the Senate Judiciary Committee for 8 am Monday. They were hoping we wouldn't be able to get a turnout. We need to...
  5. J

    Virginia updates

    As of 17 Dec, there are now 95 Second Amendment Sanctuary counties, towns, and cities! More county and city board meeting to come thus, the list will likely grow. Reminder, lobby day is in Richmond on 20 Jan 2020 and there are buses and car pools available (see link). They are filling up fast...
  6. J

    Virginia’s ban troubles

    These proposals will be brought up during the January legislative session. Since the antis from the populated north and out of state money now controls Virginia’s legislative body, there is a good chance of this garbage passing. It’s painful to read but all Virginians, and the any in the...
  7. J

    Heads up Virginia! Political nightmare heading your way!

    Call out to those in Virginia...This election will have huge implications that will affect Virginia for decades (more map re-drawing coming). If the anti-gun/anti-rights take both chambers, which they are very close to achieving, you will be facing hell for decades! Think just possessing a bump...
  8. J

    Illinois man is convicted in booby-trap shotgun killing

    Never a good idea to “booby-trap” your home but on the surface, the victim did appear to be in the act of a crime. If the home owner shot the intruder instead of his trap, I wonder if the outcome would have been different.
  9. J

    Docs you ask for when selling a firearm

    Would like to hear what documents folks here expect from a prospective buyer. For example, I always demand a state ID. I also prefer a carry permit or voter's card however; not everyone has a carry permit and the VA gov restored the voting rights of felons thus, voter's card is irrelevant to...
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    Republican-led House ban bill

    This bill is sponsored by Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL). Don't know how many will sign on but, since the NRA gave its ok, I am sure others will on or write their own. The concerning issue is: Accessories that can increase the rate of fire could be mean anything...magazines since it cuts down on...
  11. J

    Stick powder fro 5.56

    Who here uses stick powder fro 5.56 and what are your experiences? I have tried both IMR4064 and H4895 (using RCBS Uniflow Powder Measure) and the results are not too good. These powders don't appear to meter well through the small neck resulting in different charge weights. Is there something...
  12. J

    NRA is calling ATF to review the bump stock!!

    Looks like the NRA maybe jumping in on the ban wagon. I never thought I would see the day...
  13. J

    Sheriff wants to conduct their own bankground check

    I sent a copy of my C&R ffl renewal application (as per ATF requirements) to the sheriff's office. I received a call from them and they want my DOB so they can run their own background check:confused: As far as I am concerned, I have fulfilled my requirements by sending them a copy of the C&R...
  14. J

    AR15 zeroing help

    Background: I am still learning the ropes on ARs and recently purchased a PSA in the M4 config with flat top receiver and fixed front sight. It has a UTG flip up rear sight with both sight apertures. Issue: When zeroing at 50yrds using surplus M855 ammo, I had to move the rear sight 20...
  15. J

    Looks like two more Exec Orders has been added to the list

    Buff: Our Commander and Chief has decided that we should not receive US made firearms that are much for those M1s out there comming back:mad:
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    List of Executive Orders 1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system. 2. Address unnecessary legal barriers...
  17. J

    Help ID 38 s&w round

    For any ammo experts...trying to determine who the manufacture of some 38 S&W ammo. They are FMJ with .380, R^L, 51, 2Z marked under the rim. Fired one in my Webley and it went bang but gave an unusual odor.
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    Polish 7.62x25 ammo

    Has anyone used this surplus ammo before? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
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    Help w/sighting problems for Marlin 336

    I have this old marlin 336RC and it is shooting over a foot hight at 50 yards. I lowered the rear sight as far as it will go but with no luck (no sight elevator instead two screws that lowers the sight). This is the first time shooting this rifle (I also have a newer 336 with sight elevator...
  20. J

    Selling your C&R guns to a non-licensee

    Has anyone done this before? I am wanting to sell some rifle in state (VA) but it seems that the potential buyers do not want to give me the info I need to log into my book (i.e. DL#, address, DOB). Has anyone else run into this problem?