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  1. E

    New York Times on Blacks and Shootings

    I was watching the Today Show this morning with Katey Couric and she interviewed two scientists who report that college students in computer game like experiments, shoot blacks incorrectly more than white when NOT carrying a gun. Even black students did it. I also saw the story in the...
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    Saiga 223s

    Looking through my new Shotgun News, I see Saiga 223s at $279. This tempting. I know that that it is limited to a 10 round mag. IIRC. Is that the law? But the Romanian AK type 223s all look crappy and VEPRs are expensive. It would be a plinker as I already have an AR-15 for hicap fun. Any...
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    FUD ?

    So where's FUD? Did I miss something? I know I argued with him but some of his adventures were interesting? Enoch
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    What Do You Expect With an "Assault Rifle"?

    This came up at lunch with the gun crowd. Many of us have a long gun as a defensive arm for the house and safe room. Do you expect that you would have more trouble legally with an AR-15 or AK-47 than a blander looking gun like a lever action, Mini-14, etc. ? I certainly know the differences...
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    What Do You Expect With an "Assault Rifle"?

    This came up at lunch with the gun crowd. Many of us have a long gun as a defensive arm for the house and safe room. Do you expect that you would have more trouble legally with an AR-15 or AK-47 than a blander looking gun like a lever action, Mini-14, etc. ? I certainly know the differences...
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    OT - Boy Scout BS II - Read this article When ever you decide to post how gays in some manner offend you, as in the Boy Scout debate - go read this article. As to whether some is or is not a homophobe, it is interesting that most posts about gays are negative. You may...
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    Killing your family II

    Lie-detector tests are notoriously unreliable, so that suggestion won't make the cut. If one could come up with a god like device to determine guilt and there were no differentials in applying punishment based on race, class, wealth or ethnicity - we might have a case for capital punishment...
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    Training and the 45 vs 9

    FUD, where I am going is this. If you just punch static paper, you are not getting an adequate read of your performance. Recoil characteristics and recovery time for the next shot are important. Accuracy at 75 ft is of course a good thing but it isn't the distance of most fast moving...
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    Texas Rebels II

    Dennis - you have a heart - ignore the bile aimed at you. If a country can't help all of its citizens to have medical care - we stink. Let's figure out a way to do it reasonably. The initial point is one I agree with. Unless, the RKBA is moved away from an issue identified with old bitter...
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    What if Dubya said?

    To start a debate: What if George said during his speech that he proposes the TX CHL system be made the law of the land. This would give shall issue to all states including those that don't shall issue but would add requirements to some shall issue states. Or if he says the same thing but the...
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    What's Wendy's Policy?

    Seems they might be a nice target to politely question if employees can carry? Dave, if still involved, seems a nice conservative older guy - just the type to come out in favor of the RKBA. Why not offer their employees training?