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    Judge Tosses NRA Appeal

    NRA lawyers asked the judge to rule out the assignment of an overseer to monitor NRA financial operations and to discard the recoupment of millions from Wayne La Pierre. In a blow to the NRA, a Manhattan judge has given New York Attorney General Letitia James the green light to continue...
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    Oklahoma City Man Kills Fleeing Carjacker

    and gets charged with murder. i wonder what, if any, training this shooter had. My only problem with the OK "constitutional carry" law is the fact that no training is required prior to carrying a firearm. Our local legislator voted against the law for that very reason. "OKLAHOMA CITY —...
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    NY Attorney General Charges Against NRA Amended

    After the judge ruled out dissolution of the NRA, Letitia James drew up new charges. Charges against WLP, Powell, Frazer and Phillips appear more detailed. Second Amended Verified Complaint dated 2 May, 2022...
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    Court Upholds NY Case Against NRA

    Ny Judge Denies NRA Motion to Dismiss The judge allowed the NY attorney general to continue the case to oust WLP and demand the appointment of an independent monitor to oversee NRA operations. "Justice Joel Cohen allows a lawsuit by New York Attorney General Letitia James to move forward by...
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    NRA BOD Re-elects Wayne la Pierre

    Vote was 54-1.
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    A Tidbit From NRA Lawsuit Special Master

    NRA dues paid the expenses for "volunteers" to shill for WLP friendly 76th BOD candidates. Where have we heard that name before? Oh, yes. It was in the bonus episode of Season 2 of Gangster Capitalism podcast. That episode described how Payne worked as a special assistant to Wayne LaPierre...
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    NY Attorney General Subpoenas Mrs. la Pierre

    The wife of NRA head Wayne la Pierre has been ordered to turn over documents related to her involvement in matters pertaining to the NRA. BTW: The NRA has lost another round in court. This one involves...
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    NRA Hit With A New Federal Lawsuit

    In 2018 the Campaign Legal Center and the anti-gun Gifford's organization petitioned the Federal Elections Commission to investigate and rule on a complaint that the NRA had violated election law. Fast forward two years and the FEC had refused to rule on the complaint. That happens all the...
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    Is The NRA Firearms Museum Being Looted?

    The former curator of the museum thinks that may be the case: "I fear the NRA National Firearms Museum is toast. Believe they may have already sent part of the collection off for auction. When I went in to pick up my personal belongings (which was one heck of a process) – they would not let...
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    New York Attorney General Amends Charges Against NRA

    Letitia James, New York AG, has lodged new charges against Wayne La Pierre and the NRA. Last year the NRA Treasurer refused to sign the Form 990 report after NRA board members and executives refused to attest to the accuracy of the report. Two months after the NRA bankruptcy adventure...
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    Federal Judge Finds USAF Responsible For Texas Church Massacre

    By failing to report an airman to NICS the USAF bears 60 percent of blame for the massacre. "A federal judge ruled that the U.S. Air Force bears primary responsibility for ]the Sutherland Springs massacre because it failed to enter the shooter's criminal history into a database that should...
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    NRA Board Member Wants Fraud Investigation

    as a part of the NRA bankruptcy proceeding.
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    The New York AG Takes Action Against The NRA

    After a long investigation Letitia James is attempting to dissolve the NRA. In an apparently coordinated effort the District Of Columbia AG is going after the NRA Foundation
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    Feds Charge Domestic Violence Abusers Who Own Guns

    The federal prosecutor for the western district of Oklahoma has teamed up with local and state law enforcement in charging those subject to orders of protection who own firearms with federal crimes: Think ten years or more...
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    OK Constitutional Carry Is Five Days Old

    Yep, there have already been some noteworthy incidents by "Second Amendment rights" activists. The owner of an OK City local grill has unwelcomed long gun carriers after this Second Amendment "auditor" showed up...
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    One dead, 3 Wounded in Road Rage Incident

    One of the wounded is a Montana state trooper. The shooter was arrested.
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    Oklahoma Constitutional Carry Becomes Law

    Senate passed bill 40-6. Update: Governor Stitt signed the bill into law this afternoon.
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    Man & Son Sentenced For Killing Bear/Cubs

    An Alaskan man and his 18 year old son were sentenced for killing a bear and her cubs in their den. The deed was recorded by a camera in the bears den. i'm surprised their hunting privileges were not suspended for life...
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    Dentist Arrested In Road Rage Incident

    Incident began after Dr. Lona Bibbs, driving an Escalade, brake checked a red car. All three cars exited the interstate. The female passenger of the Avenger and Dr. Bibbs exchanged words at an intersection. Then things got crazy fast...
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    Alaskan Grizzlies Kill Driller

    A female grizzly and her cubs killed a 18 year old Oklahoma driller.